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Why consumers break up with luxury brands

June 9, 2020

Consumers buy luxury brands because they fall in love with them, but if brands break their trust, they will commit to never buy that brand again. Image credit: MISBHV. Composite: Haitong Zheng/Jing Daily Consumers buy luxury brands because they fall in love with them, but if brands break their trust, they will commit to never buy that brand again. Image credit: MISBHV. Composite: Haitong Zheng/Jing Daily


By Daniel Langer

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1 thought on “Why consumers break up with luxury brands”

  1. Greta points Daniel. 50% brand death rate may in fact be low given that changes in brand behavior may be easy to discuss, difficult to execute. There is a built in arrogance that in a weird way fed desire and demand. This may be difficult to change until and unless leadership sets the example. Last point…consumers may not be buying right now but they are certainly listening, watching and learning.