Please register for Luxury Daily’s free annual webinar at 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Dec. 6: “Luxury Outlook 2018: Up, Down or Flat?”
Chasing growth, luxury brands and retailers are stepping up their efforts to benefit from resurgent stock markets worldwide. Yet the underlying worries remain: adjusting to a new digital reality where ecommerce and mobile dominate younger generations' shopping channels of choice, the weakening hold of in-store, experiences over product sales, and globalization under threat from political and terrorist activities. What is the outlook for the year ahead? How should luxury marketers plan to grow without diluting their special sauce?
In this free hour-long webinar on Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 2 p.m. ET, senior executives from the Luxury Institute, will discuss what luxury marketers can expect in the year ahead, how to craft their marketing, retail and media plans accordingly and what left-field surprises to expect, if any.
“Luxury marketers know that the key to sustained growth is nurturing both brand and customer,” said Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief of Luxury Daily, New York. “The coming year will bring its own opportunities and challenges as global events dictate the rise and fall of consumer confidence. Luxury brands must continue their focus on quality and exclusivity even as the siren call of market share beckons.”
This webinar is one in a series produced by Luxury Daily to inform and educate luxury marketers on the ins and outs of the luxury business with a focus on marketing, retail, media, digital and geopolitics.
Themes discussed in the webinar
• What luxury-focused brands, retailers, agencies and publishers can expect in the year ahead
• Which marketing or retail channel, if any, will be the breakout star in 2018
• Surprises ahead and how to act or react
• Lessons learned from 2017
• Crafting strategy for next year to truly embrace multichannel marketing and retail, including social and mobile
• Three best-practice tips for luxury marketing and retailing in 2018
Milton Pedraza, CEO, Luxury Institute
Tam Alesi, managing partner for integrated strategic planning and executive client lead for retail, MediaCom USA
David Arnold, executive vice president and managing director, Robb Report
Milton Springut, partner, Springut Law
Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Luxury Daily
Attendees to the webinar can request a copy of the deck.
Please register for Luxury Daily’s free annual webinar at 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Dec. 6: “Luxury Outlook 2018: Up, Down or Flat?”