Special invitation to join State of Luxury 2019 survey – respondents receive exec summary. Please click here to take the survey
Luxury Daily, the world’s leading luxury business publication, and Unity Marketing are partnering in the third consecutive State of Luxury study and we need your help as an esteemed luxury industry insider. Your responses will be held in confidence and combined with those of other respondents to assess where the luxury business is today and where it is going in the future.
By participating in this survey, you will have a chance to think about the future of the luxury business overall and your place and your company's role in it. We would appreciate it if you spared a few minutes of your precious time to take this survey and help luxury marketers such as yourself make smarter decisions in 2019.
While this survey is completely confidential, we will ask at the end of the survey that you provide your email address, if you desire, to receive an executive summary of the study results, along with an electronic copy of a soon-to-be published book, Meet the HENRYs and the New Luxury Brands They Love (High-Earners-Not-Rich-Yet), by Pamela N. Danziger.
We look forward to reporting the results of this study of trends transforming the luxury business from the point of view of the people who know best: luxury industry insiders.
Many thanks for your time.
Please click here to take the survey.
Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Luxury Daily
Pam Danziger, president, Unity Marketing
Special invitation to join State of Luxury 2019 survey – respondents receive exec summary. Please click here to take the survey