What value do fragrance lines add to a luxury brand?

Published: October 25, 2011

French fashion empire Louis Vuitton is slated to launch its first fragrance in the near future and by doing so is stirring up contemplation of the true value that brand extensions give to a luxury label.

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Are luxury brands impervious to threats of a recession?

Published: October 21, 2011

European debt crises, shaky stock markets and a worldwide slump in consumer confidence have all plagued the third quarter, but luxury marketers have been showing impressive results during this time. Is the luxury industry resistant to the world’s economic struggles?

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Are direct-owned branded luxury shops crowding out department stores?

Published: October 20, 2011

Luxury distribution has undergone a significant shift in that direct-owned stores have outshined department stores by more than 50 percent in year-over-year growth, leading experts to wonder whether or not premium brands would actually do better on their own.

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