How should brands participate in social movements?

Published: June 3, 2020

Luxury brands have taken to social media to support Black Lives Matter in the United States in a move to show support for human rights after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

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Luxury Outlook 2020 – Luxury Memo special report

Published: December 26, 2019

Heading into 2020, luxury marketers need to balance democratization with brand protection to capture the up-and-coming consumer without tarnishing their prestige image.

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Luxury Outlook 2020 – Luxury Memo special report

Published: December 23, 2019

Heading into 2020, luxury marketers need to balance democratization with brand protection to capture the up-and-coming consumer without tarnishing their prestige image.

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Luxury Outlook 2020 – Luxury Memo special report

Published: December 20, 2019

Heading into 2020, luxury marketers need to balance democratization with brand protection to capture the up-and-coming consumer without tarnishing their prestige image.

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What will 3D printed makeup mean for the beauty industry?

Published: June 21, 2019

As 3D printing gains more applications in the luxury business, a new consumer-facing tool aims to offer instant gratification and customization by bridging the gap between beauty inspiration and application.

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