Cloud beats in-house platforms for ecommerce agility, growth: L2

Published: April 20, 2015

Maintaining an in-house ecommerce platform is highly demanding, making a cloud-based solution the shrewdest move for brands lacking serious cash-flow and a digitally-oriented management team, according to a new report by L2 and Demandware.

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Top 10 luxury brand mobile campaigns of 2014

Published: December 29, 2014

Luxury marketers integrated mobile campaigns into different initiatives throughout 2014 to engage and intrigue consumers through several different devices.

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Gucci, Ralph Lauren are 2014 digital geniuses: L2

Published: December 16, 2014

While less than 5 percent of luxury fashion sales stem directly from ecommerce, half of total sales are influenced by a consumer’s digital interaction, according to a new report from L2.

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