Social media platforms – Luxury Memo special report

Published: November 14, 2017

It is no secret that social media has had arguably the biggest disruptive effect on the way brands interact with customers of the last decade, and a few major platforms have emerged as the premier places where that interaction now occurs.

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Social media platforms – Luxury Memo special report

Published: November 13, 2017

It is no secret that social media has had arguably the biggest disruptive effect on the way brands interact with customers of the last decade, and a few major platforms have emerged as the premier places where that interaction now occurs.

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Social media platforms – Luxury Memo special report

Published: November 10, 2017

It is no secret that social media has had arguably the biggest disruptive effect on the way brands interact with customers of the last decade, and a few major platforms have emerged as the premier places where that interaction now occurs.

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Social media platforms – Luxury Memo special report

Published: November 9, 2017

It is no secret that social media has had arguably the biggest disruptive effect on the way brands interact with customers of the last decade, and a few major platforms have emerged as the premier places where that interaction now occurs.

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Gen Z to dictate future of back-to-school trends

Published: October 9, 2017

This summer’s back-to-school season was the most profitable ever, grossing almost $84 billion. The Generation Z demographic – consumers ages 21 and younger – likely played a major role in this success and retailers are taking note.

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Mobile – Luxury Memo special report

Published: September 12, 2017

Mobile is currently one of the most dominant forces of technology, having a massive impact on how the luxury business markets and sells its products.

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