Top 10 luxury branding efforts of H1

Published: August 12, 2013

During the first half of 2013, luxury brands revamped names, logos, Web sites and campaigns to bring their brands into the future and remain current to consumers.

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Top 10 luxury in-store marketing efforts of H1

Published: August 9, 2013

During the first half of 2013, luxury marketers created elaborate in-store displays, designed intriguing windows and hosted events to get consumers further involved in their brands.

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Dorchester Collection launches young designers with Fashion Prize

Published: August 6, 2013

Hotel company Dorchester Collection continues to champion young talent by shortlisting four designers in the fourth annual Dorchester Collection Fashion Prize that was opened up to applicants from all countries where the brand is located.

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Top 10 luxury brand social marketers of H1

Published: August 5, 2013

Luxury marketers used social media to create stronger bonds with consumers by allowing them become a crucial part of the social campaigns during the first half of 2013.

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