Instagram, Michael Kors, Tesla and Armani – News briefs

Published: May 5, 2014

Today in luxury marketing – Fashion world sashays to Instagram for brand-building; Michael Kors wins over Europe’s fashionistas; Tesla expands into China but should only be a small player in the luxury segment; Sì sparking a women’s fragrance revival for Armani.

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Claridge’s, Armani, luxury stocks and Audi – News briefs

Published: March 4, 2014

Today in luxury marketing – Pampered guests and feuding hosts at Claridge’s hotel; Armani nephew exits fashion house; Luxury stocks fall as Ukraine crisis escalates; Audi remakes iconic TT in move to reinvigorate design.

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Michael Kors, BMW, Armani and Versace – News briefs

Published: February 5, 2014

Today in luxury marketing – Michael Kors shares climb on 76.6pc profits rise; BMW mulling first auto production plant in Mexico; Meet Armani’s new protégées; Versace to choose minority partner end-February.

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