The common luxury pricing mistakes that destroy brands

Published: March 3, 2020

Luxury is all about extreme value creation. No consumer will buy a luxury brand if the price seems too high, and when it seems too high, that means the price is exceeding the brand’s perceived value.

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Cyber-luxury: AI is disrupting luxury

Published: February 11, 2020

The speed with which the Chinese market lost confidence in Dolce & Gabbana because of a series of communication mistakes shows how badly brands need to have access to real-time information about how consumers are viewing them. These days, it is a matter of survival.

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Luxury 2030, part 1: Gen Z goes mainstream and disrupts luxury

Published: December 27, 2019

The last five years have been characterized by some of the biggest changes that the luxury market has ever seen – and in the shortest time frame. Entire industries are being challenged like never before and need to rethink how they do business through 2030.

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These common pricing mistakes destroy luxury brands

Published: December 6, 2019

Many luxury brands are not profitable enough because they make pricing mistakes. But what is even worse is when their incorrect pricing erodes hard-won luxury positioning with customers.

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