| | Retail Long-term discretionary spending remains steady: Deloitte  | While consumer demographics have become more diverse and customer needs are more varied, individuals' spending habits are largely in line with those seen a few decades ago. Entire
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Luxury Memo special reports State of payments in luxury – Luxury Memo special report  | Payments in the luxury business have drastically changed since the retail revolution, leading even the oldest houses to incorporate new ways of transactions. Entire
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Webinars Webinar on June 12: “Automotive: Consumers Truly in Driver’s Seat” FREE | Register now for this free hour-long webinar June 12 at noon ET (New York) on how the automotive business is bracing for a tech-driven future that promises innovation and disruption in equal measures. Experts weigh in and offer insight, analysis and examples. Entire
article | Apparel and accessories Balmain lets consumers control the action in fall campaign  | French fashion label Balmain is turning consumers into directors by giving them the choice of how the plot of its latest campaign should develop. Entire
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Software and technology Amazon’s latest smart speaker presents engagement, commerce opportunities for brands FREE | Ecommerce giant Amazon is making its Echo Show technology more accessible with its latest launch, potentially putting more screen-enabled voice assistants in consumers’ homes. Entire
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Travel and hospitality Preferred Hotels highlights offerings through immersive theme week  | Luxury hospitality group Preferred Hotels & Resorts is leveraging its heritage in a multichannel initiative to welcome more global travelers to its properties. Entire
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Research Luxury Daily releases 44-page State of Luxury 2019 report polling industry insiders FREE | This third annual State of Luxury: The Insider View report by Luxury Daily and Unity Marketing surveys 600-plus luxury insiders on their reasons for optimism and caution in 2019. Buy the 44-page exclusive research to arm yourself with invaluable intelligence, or get it free with an annual subscription to Luxury Daily. Entire
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Strategy Subscribe now: Full access to 80,000+ articles, reports, videos and images FREE | Stay abreast of the latest news, analysis, research and developments in the fast-evolving luxury business worldwide. Access more than 80,000 articles, reports, videos and images from Luxury Daily, the world's leading luxury business publication. Check out the monthly and annual subscription plans and gain full access to must-have luxury intelligence. Entire
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News briefs Rimowa, Mr Porter, John Hardy, Shangri-La, YNAP and XOJet – Live news  | Luxury Daily's live news from May 30 - Rimowa campaign series explores the path to success; Mr Porter emphasizes T-shirts for summer in capsule; John Hardy continues commercial expansion with art gallery-like boutique; Shangri-La acts on Tencent partnership with WeChat rollout; YNAP looks to young minds for sustainability, tech, fashion innovation; XOJet works with local Hawaiian restaurateur, chef. Entire
article | News briefs Louboutin, Marc Jacobs, fine jewelry and Tesla – News briefs  | Today in luxury - Christian Louboutin will be honored by Couture Council of The Museum at FIT; With a new line, The Marc Jacobs, the designer would like to reintroduce himself; Fine jewelry finally embraces ecommerce; Tesla dealt another blow when Barclays calls it a "niche carmaker." Entire
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