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Natural Diamond Council, actress Lily James trace carat journeys in Canada

June 3, 2024

Ms. James serves as the centerpiece of the environmentally-focused advertising. Image courtesy of the Natural Diamond Council The Emmy-nominated English actress has been NDC's global ambassador since 2022. Image courtesy of Natural Diamond Council


The Natural Diamond Council (NDC) is looking to the stars to highlight its global supply chains.

Entitled “Real. Rare. Responsible,” the organization's new campaign tours the Northwest Territories (NWT) of Canada and stars British actress and global NDC ambassador Lily James. Throughout a hero film, short clips and imagery set to be released in late summer, she helps shine a light on the region's importance to global diamond production, as it is the third-largest area by output.

“Formed deep within the Earth billions of years ago, it was important that we capture natural diamonds in their natural element for our new campaign,” said David Kellie, CEO of the NDC, in a statement.

“Canada plays an integral role within the natural diamond industry,” Mr. Kellie said. “While people tend to more commonly associate countries in southern Africa, as leading natural diamond producers, Canada is also vital and it’s paramount we share the incredible conservation efforts taking place in the NWT with consumers.

“The natural diamond industry is one of the most highly regulated and responsible mining industries in the world and you can trust that wherever your natural diamond is from: land, wildlife and local and Indigenous communities are a top priority.”

Sparkling spotlight
NDC’s representative traveled to Canada's NWT for the campaign, exposing the natural beauty of the mountainous environment while capturing how the diamond industry contributes to the local community.

Marketing materials document the ecological journey of a diamond, tracing the rare carats from the start of the mining process through the cutting and polishing steps.

The National Diamond Council shoots Lilly James in Yellowknife, NWT and surrounding areas. Image courtesy of Natural Diamond Council

During the trip, Ms. James also met with the Indigenous Peoples of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, who reside on the land where the Rio Tinto gem-splitting facility, De Beers Canada and Diamonds de Canada production sites are located.

“Visiting the stunning Northwest Territories of Canada with Natural Diamond Council, was an experience I will never forget,” said Ms. James, in a statement.

Canada’s natural beauty guides the NDC’s latest advertisement. Image courtesy of the Natural Diamond Council Canada’s natural beauty guides the NDC’s latest advertisement. Image courtesy of Natural Diamond Council

“While exploring the area, I witnessed firsthand how responsible practices aren’t just a choice but they’re a deep heartfelt commitment across the natural diamond industry,” she said. “We were lucky enough to attend a cultural experience with the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.

“Everywhere I looked while in the Northwest Territories of Canada, I was reminded that natural diamonds are truly real, rare, and responsible.”

Environmental focus
For now, the NDC is teasing Real. Rare. Responsible across digital channels, including its social platforms.

Upon release, the ads will be amplified by NDC's global retail partners (see story), particularly those in the United States and Asia.

The lifecycle of a gem will play a large part in the final campaign. Image courtesy of the Natural Diamond Council The lifecycle of a gem will play a large part in the final campaign. Image courtesy of Natural Diamond Council

NDC has consistently displayed public-facing support for social and environmental causes. The group recently, for instance, hosted a panel during Paris Couture Week 2023 (see story).

The organization is not alone as of late. Luxury brand-backed sustainability talks have evolved to entertain more nuanced topics, including climate justice (see story) and ethical partnerships (see story).