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How luxury brands can use data to make digital experiences more human
April 30, 2021 By

Pioneering companies are using millions of data points, from their keystrokes to how they physically interact with their smartphones, to build “behavioral biometrics” profiles of their customers.

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How to produce effective digital content
April 29, 2021 By

Quality content is one of the highest ROI marketing investments you can make.

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Touchless clienteling powers an elevated store experience
April 28, 2021 By

It is one of the most beloved parts of luxury shopping: the well-curated and often elegant in-store experience.

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Repurposing Instagram for TikTok influencer marketing campaigns will not work
April 21, 2021 By

To use TikTok to its full potential as an influencer marketing tool, make sure you are following these three rules.

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The future of privacy with Apple’s iOS 14 updates
April 20, 2021 By

Consumers are increasingly aware that ads contribute to their ability to access apps and Web sites for free. They just may not have been privy to the number of details that were being obtained to make this happen.

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COVID-19 and fashion: Lingering effects in 2021 and beyond – Part 2
April 12, 2021 By

While the Internet is convenient and socially distant, it does not afford consumers with what traditional shopping provides – socialization, instant gratification, tactile pleasure, true color and fit certainty.

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How to meet customer engagement expectations this year
April 12, 2021 By

Customers can do everything from the comfort of home. It just takes a kernel of creativity from brands to leverage technology into an improved customer experience.

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Reinventing market research in the era of consumer data empowerment
April 9, 2021 By

Market researchers have failed to innovate any radically disruptive breakthrough to dramatically advance their understanding of consumers to support more effective brand marketing decisions.

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Defining luxury brands’ post-COVID-19 Amazon strategy
April 5, 2021 By

More than 1 billion fashion products had been ordered via the online giant last year – and that is before taking into account any parallel categories such as cosmetics.

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Collaboration key to successful recovery in luxury travel
March 30, 2021 By

The pandemic has accelerated the movement toward globalism and collaboration between governments and the private sector. More and more the wealthy see themselves as global partners – citizens of the world.

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What will hospitality look like in 2024?
March 29, 2021 By

To find signposts to the future, look to the traveler: the demand side of the equation.

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What luxury brands can learn from Burberry x Marcus Rashford
March 18, 2021 By

Beyond the prestige of international tournaments, luxury brands compete to sign the biggest names or artists to win over the “fan fashionista.”

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How luxury brands will leverage digital to deepen the VIP experience
March 9, 2021 By

Luxury brands set themselves apart by the sophisticated way in which they analyze customer data and apply its insights to elevate both their digital and human interactions with their clients, stoking the emotional connections that are essential for building brand loyalty.

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Future of luxury entwined with tech innovations
March 4, 2021 By

In today’s world, the entire business cycle is intercepted by digital interventions.

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Why direct mail never deserved to go out of fashion
February 26, 2021 By

The new generation of marketers in fashion ecommerce has an irresistible urge – especially with pure ecommerce players – to equate marketing with digital marketing.

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Luxury retail’s dramatic digital transformation in 2020
February 23, 2021 By

To better understand consumer behavior this past holiday season, we took a deep dive into anonymized customer and sales data based on more than 115 million online consumer visits to luxury retailers’ online stores in December 2020.

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Trade secrets: What fashion and luxury brands should know
February 17, 2021 By

Trade secrets are one of the big four recognized forms of intellectual property. Yet many fashion and luxury goods companies neglect this protection.

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Brand elevation: Why and how prestige brands have to be built differently in the Digital Age
February 15, 2021 By

Brands, especially prestige or luxury brands, or those we call “Ueber-Brands,” are no longer seen as mere marketing instruments – they are embraced as guiding the enterprise overall.

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Implications of the “Great De-Urbanization” of the United States
February 12, 2021 By

Representing a countertide from the mass urban exodus, families that had previously migrated from suburbs back to urban centers have now completely reversed their migration driven by COVID-19 and are cycling through the pandemic paradigm of “Pause, Prioritize, Pivot and Purchase.”

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Private aviation partnerships provide opportunities and pitfalls
February 11, 2021 By

While COVID-19 has brought large swathes of the travel industry to a virtual standstill, private aviation at the highest end has recovered to around 90 percent of pre-pandemic levels.

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Building a digital temple worthy of worship
February 9, 2021 By

When consumers experience your brand in their Facebook or Instagram feed, they engage with it the same way they would engage with an ad in the front of a fashion magazine: superficially, and in the context of dozens of competing brands.

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