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Why are so few retailers achieving true omnichannel functionality – and is it even possible?
January 8, 2015 By

The inherent belief within the retail industry is that omnichannel has an endpoint: at some point, a retailer will achieve a state of “omnichannel bliss.”

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What social currency can do for – and to – the marketer’s brand
January 5, 2015 By

Marketers are experimenting with ways to use social currency to build brands, enticing consumers to open their social networks instead of their wallets.

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Optimizing the mobile app for future mcommerce success
December 31, 2014 By

It is important to note that your mobile sales boost is most likely to come from consumers who have already shopped with you, either in your physical store or via your application.

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Beacons will under-deliver – here’s why
December 30, 2014 By

Location is a key to your 2015 marketing success. But beacons will take you down the wrong road.

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What is still wrong with mobile advertising
December 29, 2014 By

Having led mobile at two of the world’s largest traditional creative agencies, I have seen it all. Despite all the hype and continued shift of more ad dollars into mobile, most advertisers still view the medium as an afterthought.

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In-store cognitive apps will solve retail’s biggest challenge
December 26, 2014 By

Have you ever been shopping in a retail store and known more about a product than the sales assistant?

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2015: Year of the mobile customer journey
December 26, 2014 By

The dominant theme for 2015 will be the effect of mobile on the customer journey. Here are five predictions for 2015.

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Advertisers will expect more from mobile in 2015
December 26, 2014 By

The days of dabbling in mobile advertising are over. As I look ahead to 2015, I know one thing for certain: advertisers are going to demand more accuracy in how they match their mobile media spend to their results.

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Making online and mobile more profitable for the holidays
December 24, 2014 By

Fast delivery of high-quality content is essential during the busy holiday season. The simplest way to do this is by giving the consumer quick access to purchase the products that they desire.

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Mobile advertising goes interactive
December 23, 2014 By

As consumers we do not always realize that our addiction to multiple devices is quickly altering long-established approaches to advertising, media planning and success measurement.

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Synching mobile payments and loyalty programs
December 22, 2014 By

It is not a significant jump to say that all mobile transactions will eventually be reduced to a single scan or tap. This is not just for payments, either – redeeming offers and earning loyalty currencies, all of it will happen seamlessly.

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Key techniques to get brands through holiday downloads
December 19, 2014 By

Finding the right audience for your app is not a trivial task. It requires blending high volume with high-value users. Adjusting these balances depending on your app’s lifecycle is paramount.

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5 marketing requirements for luxury customer engagement in 2015
December 17, 2014 By

In 2015, the biggest challenge for luxury marketers will be to gain a much better understanding of what customers expect in terms of significantly improved customer experiences.

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How mobile changes marketing
December 16, 2014 By

In 1498 Aldus Manutius of Venice produced a book catalog and used it to promote his recent publications. In itself that may not sound particularly interesting, but at the time this was a major advance in commerce: for the first time the prospective buyer did not need to be face to face with the merchant to browse, select and purchase goods. It was the first example of direct marketing.

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ABCs of content marketing and why it matters to brands
December 15, 2014 By

Traditional marketing is becoming less powerful, interesting, accessible and useful to companies and prospects.

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Mobile makes the “last millisecond” the “last inch” for in-store experiences
December 12, 2014 By

Last millisecond still exists, certainly, but the overwhelming convergence of mobile and in-store – consumers browsing on their smartphones, then shopping at a bricks-and-mortar location, mobile couponing or showrooming – gives the concept an entirely new context.

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An untapped advertising opportunity during the holidays
December 11, 2014 By

Marketing around the holiday season will always be a highly competitive and rather expensive undertaking, but it is a critical point in time for advertisers and one they cannot get wrong.

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6 Movember lessons for pulling off effective marketing campaigns
December 10, 2014 By

Movember has grown faster and bigger than a hormone-powered Fu Manchu. Now in its eleventh year, the phenomenon is not only a bona fide grassroots health awareness movement, it is a brilliantly executed marketing campaign.

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Does mobile-first leave the customer behind?
December 9, 2014 By

As common sense as it may seem, mobile first is the wrong approach to take when designing for visual commerce elements such as video and spin photography.

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Why luxury retailers should watch Whole Foods’ new loyalty rewards pilot
December 8, 2014 By

Increased pressure from major industry competitors and mass channels is eroding Whole Foods’ product differentiation. Pricing premiums are harder to defend and many of Whole Foods’ customer experience differentiators are being adopted as competitors respond to changing customer preferences.

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5 qualitative strategies for luxury retailers to reduce returns
December 8, 2014 By

Returned goods cost United States retailers a staggering $267.3 billion in lost revenue last year, according to The Retail Equation. Now that is a harsh returns reality.

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