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Native mobile ads in a strange land
March 18, 2015 By

The chances are that you have seen native mobile ads, but you just did not know. This is because, as the name suggests, they are ads that slot seamlessly into the interface of the application or site you are using. The bad news is that, sometimes, you do not even know they are ads.

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10 key trends in luxury retail
March 17, 2015 By

The luxury retail sector, in the course of the next three to five years, will be driven by 10 key trends geared to satisfying consumer needs, fueling spending and luring new clients.

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How Apple could redefine luxury – or not
March 16, 2015 By

The world is split into those who think watches are for telling the time and those who think that they are for telling people about yourself. It is this gulf that Apple needs to cross if it is to leap into the world of luxury.

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Top 3 metrics that ecommerce companies cannot live without
March 12, 2015 By

In today’s ever-evolving world of data trends, every ecommerce company must determine the right analytics and other measurement strategies that optimize data to drive business outcomes.

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Ad agencies, consultancies react to the Apple Watch
March 10, 2015 By

Four leading ad agencies and consultancies react to the Apple Watch released yesterday. Will it put other wearables out of business or drive a stake through the luxury watch sector?

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Fragmented and fleeting, mobile User IDs are ripe for overhaul
March 6, 2015 By

In creating their User ID standards, many manufacturers are not that concerned with the needs of app developers, advertisers and data vendors.

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What the future of mobile data has in store
March 5, 2015 By

By the time you finish reading the fourth paragraph of this article, users will send 240 million emails, Tweet 277,000 times, share content 2.46 million times on Facebook, upload 72 hours of new video to YouTube and post 216,000 photos to Instagram.

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Single-channel approaches to customer conversations will not work
March 4, 2015 By

If you are dealing with millions of individuals, actually knowing their name and what they care about is going to be tough.

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Native advertising is underused in the mobile context
March 2, 2015 By

It seems like no conversation about media is complete without either an ode to, or a lamentation of “native.”

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Book excerpt: The Management of Luxury
February 27, 2015 By

Succession planning creates particular challenges for most luxury executives. Founders may presume that a successor will misinterpret the creative genius, leading to brand dilution or brand failure; or they may struggle with interpreting and sharing the source of their creative genius.

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Must job seekers give employers a reason to reject them?
February 26, 2015 By

With headscarf case, Supreme Court could make discrimination even easier.

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Can packaging be both luxurious and sustainable?
February 24, 2015 By

Prestige brands and their customers have sometimes been regarded as more concerned about the appearance than about eco-friendliness, despite the shift toward sustainable packaging.

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No mobile commerce site? Your Google search rank is in jeopardy
February 23, 2015 By

Been putting a mobile commerce off? Getting to it later this year? OK, but be careful, because there is more at stake than just your mobile conversion rate.

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The hidden power of suggestion in risk-taking
February 20, 2015 By

Fashion empires were built on risky and forward-thinking designs. Those risks, either directly or subtly, affect almost every facet of the retail industry.

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Why is shopping on your phone so difficult?
February 18, 2015 By

There is a very serious problem with online smartphone purchases. Tiny keyboards make it very difficult to enter credit card, billing and shipping information – about 150 keystrokes. Google puts smartphone shopping cart abandonment at 97 percent.

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Luxury marketers must let fans shape the brand story
February 18, 2015 By

Social media has democratized content creation. The implication for luxury brands is that they can no longer hide behind the carefully controlled image that they create for themselves.

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What to consider when selecting a new CRM system
February 17, 2015 By

Five factors to keep in mind when narrowing down the search for avoiding the trap of signing on for the wrong CRM offering.

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4 marketing requirements to make 2015 even more profitable
February 13, 2015 By

Here are the four things to keep in mind to make your marketing click with your prospects in 2015, followed by a sure-fire process for discovering even more strategies on your own.

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Snapchat opens the floodgates to publishers and brands
February 12, 2015 By

Last month Snapchat, the popular mobile messaging application famous for self-destructing messages, launched a new feature entitled Discover. It functions as a media portal, allowing publishers to curate a daily mix of short-form content. Launch partners include top-tier media properties such as ESPN, the Food Network and CNN. Primarily online publishers such as Yahoo and Vice are also represented.

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How location became the tail wagging the future of mobile ad creative
February 11, 2015 By

Looking at the most successful location-informed mobile campaigns over the past 18 months, it is clear there are several creative techniques that drive more traffic to the aisles, showrooms and tables of advertisers.

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3 landscape-changing media trends to watch this year
February 10, 2015 By

The rapidly fragmenting media landscape and explosion of programmatic buying are spurring significant changes in the media industry.

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