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Do not fetishize technology without consideration to consumer behavior
April 20, 2015 By

What new technology has really generated is new behavior, whether it is sharing pictures of food, curating our Instagram to reflect who we are, pinning products for shopping and styling inspiration, or buying clothes on our mobile phones. Yet we have focused on ourselves and technology, not consumers and how they shop and decide.

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How retailers can adopt a mobile-first strategy
April 15, 2015 By

According to forecasts from Goldman Sachs, by 2018 the mobile commerce market is expected to reach the same level as ecommerce was in 2013, at $630 billion in sales. And according to Nielsen, nearly 20 percent of all retail sales across the United States are in some way influenced by mobile.

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Mobile ad retargeting is missing piece to the marketing puzzle
April 14, 2015 By

Ninety-eight percent of traffic on any given Web site leaves without converting. How can you bring back those visitors and refocus their attention back onto your product?

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Apps are key to a meaningful user-centric mobile strategy
April 13, 2015 By

Gartner forecasts “by 2017, mobile apps will be downloaded more than 268 billion times, generating revenue of more than $77 billion and making apps one of the most popular computing tools for users across the globe.”

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5 reasons behind the menswear boom
April 10, 2015 By

No one can deny that menswear is having a bit of an extended moment.

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Mobile money flowing, it’s time to correct some mistakes
April 9, 2015 By

We can debate the exact definition of meaningful dollars, but we all have to agree that the projected $100 billion in mobile advertising spend in 2016 would fit into that category.

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Calling out media double standard on promoted hashtags
April 8, 2015 By

Everyone is up in arms about the Lord & Taylor 50-instagrammers moment. If you are not familiar, the retailer commissioned 50 fashion girls who have a strong reach on Instagram – and blogs for the most part – to share an outfit post with a paisley pastel summer dress that flows just so.

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Best-practice tips for push notifications
April 7, 2015 By

How do we ensure a solid and responsible notification strategy that brings value in signal, not desensitization in noise?

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Luxury brands and the secondary market: Why marketing is everything
April 7, 2015 By

Every time a non-primary purchaser wears a luxury brand, it reduces that brand’s value. Let me explain.

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Experience is the new bling: How to build a modern luxury brand
April 6, 2015 By

Today’s rich would rather spend their energy and money doing things than acquiring them. This “being” versus “having” MO firmly places modern luxury in the domain of identity.

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What will win the day for mobile wallets?
April 3, 2015 By

Mobile wallets and mobile payments have been around since at least 2005. That is more than two years before the iPhone debuted for Apple. Bluetooth-based mobile payments were around in Europe even earlier. Why has it taken so long for mobile payments to achieve mass adoption?

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What Apple’s new patent application for product packaging means
April 2, 2015 By

Apple wants to completely remove high-friction manual steps and replace them with one tap.

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The art of the gram
April 1, 2015 By

The best thing that Instagram has given us, especially marketers, is a place to unearth talent we never would have come across otherwise.

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The urgency of mobile search engine optimization
March 30, 2015 By

The next real SEO challenge for brands is not duplicate content, schema or low-quality links. No, the next hurdle is the mobile experience of your site. And brands that simply serve up the desktop version of their site for mobile users could be in for a big surprise.

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Engagement to monetization: Improving mobile marketing ROI
March 27, 2015 By

There is a big problem for many businesses joining the app rush: they have no idea how to monetize engagement over mobile.

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The new HQ for innovation labs? Your retail store
March 26, 2015 By

If innovation is going to be customer-centric, the actual hands-on designing and building of the technology needs to be centered where the customer is.

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Are media buyers using the best algorithms?
March 24, 2015 By

There seems to be persistent confusion around what an algorithm really is, how they might help in programmatic ad transactions, and how good these decision-algorithms truly are.

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App agility: Why marketers need to empower employees with intelligent mobile apps
March 23, 2015 By

When it comes to developing empowering employee applications, marketers seem to struggle. Why is this?

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Mark the date: April 21. It’s not just another update from Google
March 20, 2015 By

From that day onwards, consumers will be less likely to find your site on the search engine. Unless something soon is done about it.

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Why luxury brands should rely less on aspirational consumers
March 19, 2015 By

Most brand and media sources reach aspirationals – those who can sample the lifestyle, but not really live it.

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Tackling mobile’s challenge: Cross-device mapping and attribution
March 19, 2015 By

Marketers have been stuck on desktop, unable to build a reliable bridge to mobile that would allow them to justify mobile spend during this period where the mobile conversion gap is real.

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