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Brands must move budgets to the world’s most influential mass medium
July 2, 2015 By

According to eMarketer, mobile advertising spending will surpass the $100 billion mark in 2016, an increase of 430 percent from 2013. Mobile has achieved first-screen status, with average users checking their phones up to 150 times a day, according to Facebook.

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Getting mobile onboarding right to avoid app abandonment
July 1, 2015 By

A large majority of customers will abandon an app within the first minute. That is why mobile onboarding – the process of walking a user through a few screens to orient them with an app and its features – is crucial in deciding whether a user becomes active or calls it quits.

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How luxury brands must navigate point of sale
June 29, 2015 By

Customers expect to be blown away by the opulence of a luxury brand’s retail store. No longer is it just a place to purchase products but can be a destination – a must-see stop for consumers to soak up the luxurious experience created by the product displays.

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Missed opportunities of mobile messaging
June 26, 2015 By

There is no shortage of articles on how to make the best use of the mobile medium, replete with key factors and catchy acronyms. But here are a few simple ideas that I do not find in the wild. They are borne of my incredulity over our collective lack of manners.

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6 fundamentals of successful mobile engagement
June 19, 2015 By

Today’s customers are undeniably mobile. And that means they have access to more information than ever before – both on you and your competitor – and they can access that information anywhere, anytime. So how can you make your brand’s messages stand out in a sea of digital noise?

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How Everything-as-a-Service will help brands on mobile
June 18, 2015 By

How can a company get everything right so that its app is a smash hit, both for users and the business’ bottom line?

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Apple Watch’s role in a data-driven advertising environment
June 17, 2015 By

With the much-anticipated Apple Watch finally here, the discussion now turns to how this brand product and other wearables will not only fit into our personal daily routines but also how they will influence business.

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4 reasons why your AdWords campaigns are not working
June 15, 2015 By

If your Google AdWords campaign is not working, do not throw in the towel. Instead, find the source of the problem.

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3 challenges with using video as a marketing tool
June 12, 2015 By

Video has become integral part of the consumer journey, often being the deciding factor that convinces potential consumers to buy a particular product or service.

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5 tips to battle mobile advertising fraud
June 11, 2015 By

When asked why he robbed banks, famous bank robber Willie Sutton said, “Because that’s where the money is.”

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Reinventing mobile video ads for millennials
June 10, 2015 By

The time has come to reinvent display advertising.

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3 tips to protect against mobile commerce fraud
June 9, 2015 By

Mobile commerce is without a doubt the riskiest method of sales. In 2014, merchants experienced nearly double the fraud rate in mobile commerce versus ecommerce.

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FTC issues new social media/endorsement guidance
June 5, 2015 By

Recognizing the continuing growth and evolution of social media and consumer-generated content as well as the space-constrained nature of some platforms, on May 29 the Federal Trade Commission issued “The FTC’s Endorsement Guides: What People Are Asking,” which provides an update to the Guides’ Q&As.

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Book excerpt: Rethinking Prestige Branding: Secrets of the Ueber-Brands
June 5, 2015 By

What makes someone covet a Kelly bag? What does Mini’s approach to marketing have in common with Nespresso’s? Uncovering the secrets of why and how these Ueber-Brands are created more equal than others is the focus of Rethinking Prestige Branding.

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What is driving mobile loyalty?
June 3, 2015 By

With myriad functionalities and the choice between a standalone loyalty program app or embedded loyalty features, it is up to each brand to determine which features will resonate with their customer base while maintaining the brand identity.

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Avoid falling into the app-fatigue trap
June 2, 2015 By

What apps do consumers use on their personal devices? Facebook, weather, email, a news app and whatever messaging app their wives or husbands are on. Why? All those apps are vital to their lives. How can yours be just as vital?

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4 ways luxury brands can win by focusing on consumer behavior
June 2, 2015 By

Luxury brands, faced with the historic disruption thanks to the collision of media and technology, must shift from playing defense to taking the offense, even if that means discarding formerly successful approaches.

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How brands can get the most out of their video content for mobile
June 1, 2015 By

In the United States alone, the number of mobile video viewers is pushing 200 million, which justifies the nearly $1.5 billion that brands spent on mobile video advertising in 2014.

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Predicting which customers may churn
May 29, 2015 By

For brands and online publishers, developing and deploying predictive modeling techniques to identify customers at-risk to churn is not rocket science. But it is pretty close.

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3 ways to keep mobile shoppers from ditching app shopping carts
May 28, 2015 By

You do not often see grocery store customers leaving a full cart in an aisle and wandering out of the store, but this happens all the time in mobile application shopping carts.

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Why conventional polling does not work. Hint: mobile
May 27, 2015 By

Many firms still solely rely on landlines to gather responses, partly due to regulations around robo calling mobile phones. Unfortunately, just supplementing the existing landline data with live calling to mobile phones is not a lasting, or even appropriate, solution.

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