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5 businesses that benefit from data science
September 8, 2015 By

We looked at five businesses benefiting from data science and what exactly it is that data scientists do to better understand how these companies achieved success.

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FTC issues new social media and endorsement guidance
September 2, 2015 By

The Federal Trade Commission’s Endorsement Guides were revised in 2009 to provide advertisers with guidance on how to apply traditional legal principles regarding testimonials and endorsements to new marketing channels and techniques.

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Marketing to China’s millions: Make social media a priority
September 1, 2015 By

Why is it so hard to succeed in a market where consumers love online shopping, mobile commerce and foreign brands in equal measure?

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Why cinema is the heart of advertising – with mobile at its core
August 31, 2015 By

Visibility in a person’s digital life – even two-way interactions with them – does not necessarily mean you have built this connection.

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Rewarding healthy lifestyles: The next wave of loyalty
August 28, 2015 By

In 2014, there were 4 billion Internet-enabled devices globally. In the next five years, that number is estimated to soar to 200 billion devices, an average of 26 per person.

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Brands and publishers must tap the changing Hispanic market
August 27, 2015 By

Despite the earning potential, pharmaceutical and insurance companies have traditionally not effectively advertised to the Hispanic market.

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How app search optimization is about to change
August 25, 2015 By

We are almost at a point where users essentially create a curated Web on their device by downloading the apps and services they want and then being able to find the content they need from this curated list of services. This is a change from relying on Google to always curate which publisher has the best content.

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5 words to describe courageous mobile marketers
August 24, 2015 By

If inattentive, impulsive, selfish, timid and illogical are words to describe ineffective mobile marketers, surely there are others to tag on courageous and successful professionals?

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Why art is the next market ripe for disruption
August 21, 2015 By

The influence of the digital auction market is such that some claim that “Instagram almost de-incentivizes artists from seeking gallery representation from small or no-name galleries, as it allows artists to promote their work to targeted people free of charge.”

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Content’s specialized role in mobile and digital marketing
August 20, 2015 By

Small screens and short attention spans demand effective marketing. The average consumer attention span is only eight seconds.

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Is Apple really a luxury-sector brand?
August 19, 2015 By

I take issue with mass marketers that have declared Apple merchandise as luxury products.

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Luxury travel adapts to needs, expectations of Gens X and Y
August 18, 2015 By

While much attention is being paid to millennials in the media, it is Generations X and Y, in their role as Globizens, who are energizing change in the world of luxury travel.

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How the Apple Watch changes consumer shopping behavior
August 18, 2015 By

As shoppers gravitate toward watch-based technologies, retailers will need to focus on creating an engaging in-store experience on the new devices.

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5 mobile best-practice tips for small businesses
August 17, 2015 By

According to a study by Global Web Index, 80 percent of shoppers consider smartphones a close second, only to PCs or laptops (91 percent), as the most popular devices used to search the Internet.

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Why luxury brands must invest more in digital advertising
August 14, 2015 By

“The Internet is the only medium that can reach almost all luxury buyers in all markets,” noted a Google study of global luxury shoppers. Yet, this fact goes strangely unexamined by the legacy luxury brands.

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How wearables hold potential for consumers and brands
August 13, 2015 By

IDC estimates that technology manufacturers will ship a total of 45.7 million wearables in 2015 and that, by 2019, total shipment volume will reach 126.1 million globally.

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Tips for building a luxury brand on Instagram
August 12, 2015 By

Too many high-end brands shy away from Instagram out of fear that they cannot control their image.

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Luxury consumer preference for experience over ownership heralds sharing economy
August 11, 2015 By

With the experiential luxury sector consistently outperforming any other sector of luxury goods, luxury brands are challenged to become purveyors of self-expression and lifestyle.

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Why Bluetooth could be the game-changer in mobile payments
August 11, 2015 By

The answer to merging the worlds of mobile and in-store retail lies in having a solution that offers the factors of function, convenience and a great user experience.

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Luxury’s emerging identity crisis
August 10, 2015 By

“I don’t believe in this idea of luxury anymore,” famously said J.W. Anderson, the latest It Boy of luxury fashion. “That weird notion of luxury for me is like shopping in an airport.” Mr. Anderson just vocalized what many in the industry are thinking, wondering about their role and place in the world of affluents in 2015 and beyond.

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The ultra high net worth’s insight into Art Monaco
August 10, 2015 By

Did Art Monaco in July live up to expectations this year? Art connoisseurs offer a critique on what went right and wrong.

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