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What is a mobile marketing platform – and why a brand needs one
October 13, 2015 By

A good mobile marketing platform can be the key to building solid long-term relationships with your customers—long after you have completed the design and delivery of your flashy new app.

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Case for first-party data in a third-party world
October 12, 2015 By

For the sake of targeted ad campaigns everywhere, it is time to clear the air about first-party data and what it is, what it is not, why it is so hard to come by, and – most importantly – why it is worth it.

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Getting the most out of holiday retail campaigns
October 8, 2015 By

With more than 87 percent of consumers using smartphones or tablets to shop and 68 percent conducting pre-purchase research on smartphones, it is likely you will have a generous helping of mobile advertising in your fourth-quarter budget.

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How brands can identify an audience to drive from awareness to transaction
October 7, 2015 By

The app install and re-engagement market, which now constitutes about 30 percent of the mobile ad market as a whole, is starting to educate mobile marketers to consider scale, quality and longevity – and that the quality of a user really does matter.

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10 new trends in fashion retail
October 6, 2015 By

Since my March 17 article about key trends in luxury retail, we have seen multiple innovations in the world of luxury retail and previously nascent trends now taking shape.

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Native app or mobile Web: Where do consumers spend more money?
October 5, 2015 By

By some counts, the argument for native mobile applications has never been stronger. But in making that claim, are we leaving out a huge segment of online businesses?

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3 factors that deliver better ROI for mobile commerce
October 1, 2015 By

While your peers and competitors are chasing the latest thing, they are probably neglecting the basic, proven approaches to improving mobile commerce.

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5 tips to prepare for the mobile holiday shopping season
September 30, 2015 By

As we are all planning in earnest for the 2015 holiday season, here are a few lessons to keep in mind to make this coming December a month to remember.

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What are retained versus acquired app users really worth?
September 28, 2015 By

The cost of gaining app users reached an all-time-high in March, when Fiksu’s Cost Per Loyal User Index data showed that the cost of acquiring a single loyal iOS app user surpassed the $3 mark, a 113 percent rise over the previous year.

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Making the most of mobile 2FA
September 25, 2015 By

As we move more of our personal data to the cloud, the risk of exposure to cyber criminals, and with it the relevance of 2FA, increases.

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5 W’s of digital marketing
September 24, 2015 By

It can take years to fully understand your customer base, but you can start by identifying your ideal customer. Build a customer profile or buyer persona, and use this as a guideline for all of your marketing activities.

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Mobile experience is key as messaging apps evolve into mini-platforms
September 23, 2015 By

A recent Flurry study indicates that messaging apps outperform other apps in terms of customer retention and engagement.

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How brands and retailers can improve their mobile marketing efforts
September 22, 2015 By

U.S. consumers now spend close to three hours each day on their mobile phones, yet they do the bulk of their online purchasing on desktop and laptop computers with larger screens and physical keyboards, making it easier to browse and type in credit card numbers than on smartphones.

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Digital experiences are transforming luxury retail
September 21, 2015 By

Luxury retail is being transformed by the emergence of digital experiences, representing a strategic investment for retailers brave enough to rethink how online sales should work.

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Why chat messaging apps are a location-based alternative to geofencing
September 21, 2015 By

Younger consumers show a growing preference for texting and messaging over more traditional social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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6 key reasons why a new app fails
September 18, 2015 By

Launching a new application can be scary. And for good reason. Most businesses invest between $50,000 and $1 million in developing their new app, according to Kinvey’s survey on the State of Enterprise Mobility (2014).

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Why adaptive Web design is superior to responsive for mcommerce
September 16, 2015 By

While RWD is gaining traction today, many major companies realize the limitations of simply reflowing the same content on every device, and the benefits of offering a unique experience for each device category.

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New in-store shopping experience: How retailers can drive sales with apps
September 14, 2015 By

Even if mobile apps are not generating in-app revenue, retailers cannot ignore the value that retail apps provide their customers.

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Digitizing stored value: Challenge of going mobile
September 14, 2015 By

In just one year, from June 2013 to June 2014, mobile application usage was up 52 percent, with more consumers using their smartphones than their laptops to make buying decisions – even though when it came to completing purchases, consumers were more comfortable on their laptops.

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Can the surge in ad blocking be good for advertisers?
September 10, 2015 By

Ad blocking has grown by 41 percent globally in the last 12 months. Sixteen percent of the United States online population blocked ads in the second quarter of 2015, equaling 45 million monthly active users.

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3 ways to approach mobile measurement
September 9, 2015 By

For people involved in the mobile advertising industry, there is one burning question that has been an elephant in the room for the last few years: When will ad dollars begin to catch up with consumer behavior?

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