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5 app marketing tips for the holidays
November 9, 2015 By

Given the hectic holidays – and the reality that mobile now accounts for more than half of all digital spend – you are likely already in the midst of some important campaign planning.

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Legal tips on cross-device tracking
November 6, 2015 By

Without cross-device tracking, marketers face a number of challenges in their marketing strategies.

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Importance of good place (POI) data
November 6, 2015 By

Gaining any type of intelligence about the consumer – from building audience segments to simply using a geofence to trigger a proximity ad – also requires good point of interest (“POI”) data, the description of the physical context of the user.

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Responsive design and the future of mobile commerce
November 4, 2015 By

Efficiency and simplicity are deeply ingrained in the consumer mentality when it comes to mobile. But frictionless experiences are still playing catch-up to those expectations, particularly in mobile commerce.

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How hotel chains can put more heads in beds with smart marketing
November 3, 2015 By

Uncovering the right audience and persuading them to make a booking does not have to be challenging.

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7 critical things publishers should know about ad mediation
November 2, 2015 By

There has been discussion recently around the role of ad mediation in achieving the best possible yield for publishers’ inventory.

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TV ad spend losing holiday sparkle as audience habits evolve
October 30, 2015 By

Only half of U.S. marketers say TV will rank among their top five channels for advertising spending in three years’ time, according to a survey by professional services firm Bain & Company.

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Balanced marketing campaigns grow ROI
October 29, 2015 By

Marketing agencies too often fill your head with catchy one-liners. They say “Content is King” to sell you a blog or a landing page. They say “You need social media” to sell you a social management package.

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4 hot markets for international luxury ecommerce
October 28, 2015 By

Even with global online retail sales increasing 17 percent annually, “about 40 percent of high-end brands don’t sell via the Web,” Bloomberg recently reported.

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Advocates and opponents of the in-app ad blocker-pocalypse
October 28, 2015 By

The mobile application ad blocking-pocalypse has been a hot topic of discussion lately, only emphasized by Apple’s approval, and then dismissal of ad blocking app Been Choice. This ongoing dialogue regarding the usage of ad blockers in the mobile app ecosystem is only intensifying.

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Threat of undead mobile banner ads
October 27, 2015 By

When it comes to application monetization, beware of the zombie culprit threatening to bring down the civilized mobile app world: the banner ad.

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How to reach the always-on, app-centric millennial audience
October 26, 2015 By

I have a challenge for you – if you do not use Snapchat or WeChat, you and a friend sign up for one month and start communicating with each other solely over that platform. By doing this, you will quickly begin to understand the ways in which millennials receive and send messages.

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Challenging misconceptions in location data science
October 23, 2015 By

Location targeting is still a fairly new technology and comes with its own set of challenges. There are a lot of misconceptions in the industry about user location data, and this leads to badly targeted campaigns and fraudulent ad inventory.

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SuperYachters’ social media platform is perfect example of what not to do in social
October 22, 2015 By

Social media to ultra-high-net-worth individuals is not fun. They tend to like to stay among their peers, not out of snobbery, but for the ability to interact with people that do not need something from them.

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Increase conversion by removing friction in mobile user experience design
October 22, 2015 By

Increasing conversion in mobile experiences takes more than competitive prices and great customer service. It also requires designs that remove friction for people using a site or application.

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6 steps to optimize mobile holiday shopping campaigns
October 21, 2015 By

With consumers spending more time on their mobile phones, mobile marketing will be the driver for all marketing in 2015 and beyond – not just digital marketing.

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Do not ignore the millionaire next door
October 20, 2015 By

Today, the wealthiest 10 percent of United States households consists of 12 million households with a net worth of $1 million or more. This is more than twice as many households, with more than twice as much wealth as in 2002.

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Finding the best payment solution for the retailer
October 20, 2015 By

Reliance on technology shows no signs of slowing down, and consumers have demonstrated a relentless demand for convenience. With just a few clicks, customized goods and services appear at the location of their choosing.

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Learning at the intersection of gaming, video and the cloud
October 19, 2015 By

There are a number of leading trends that all marketers need to start paying attention to, including consumers’ desire to access content such as video and games across any device, to virtually look over each other’s shoulder while participating in virtual or physical activities, and their desire to participate and contribute to the evolution of a product, try before buying and so much more.

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Digitizing stored value: Apps and wallets, wallets and apps
October 16, 2015 By

We have been discussing mobile conversion—a challenge faced by everyone from merchants to payments companies to consumers.

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Screen-agnostic hogwash
October 14, 2015 By

I likely date myself when I say that I miss the old New York Times articles regarding etymology, written by the illustrious William Safire. I would sit on a Sunday, reading the On Language column and marvel at the history and usage of common phrases and sayings. I have recently longed for the return of the late Safire when it comes to the word “hogwash.” Why?

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