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6 tech trends to look out for at CES and beyond
January 7, 2016 By

LAS VEGAS, NV – It is January, which means there is no shortage of articles that predict tech trends for the upcoming year, or list all the must-see hoopla at CES in Las Vegas. So let us consider this a “list of lists.”

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Top 10 mobile marketing trends for 2016
January 6, 2016 By

According to eMarketer, the global mobile advertising market will account for more than 50 percent of all digital ad expenditure for the first time and cross more than a cool $100 billion in spend. U.S. mobile ad expenditures alone are expected to cross $40 billion.

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4 industries primed for mobile disruption
January 5, 2016 By

The average United States adult spends nearly three hours a day on his or her mobile device, with advertising-friendly mediums such as games (78 percent), social networking (65 percent) and retail (46 percent) as favorites among mobile content choices.

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Luxury brands’ boutique mindset a barrier to sales
January 4, 2016 By

The competition between ecommerce and conventional offline shopping channels continues to heat up – even at the high end of the consumer market.

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Social: Shouting so loud, we lose our voice
January 4, 2016 By

Sixty-four percent of United States adults use Facebook, and a whopping half of those users get their news there and nowhere else. That means that more than 30 percent of the general population gets their news from a social media network.

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Combating the power shift with data to better retarget customers
December 31, 2015 By

We are witnessing a profound shift in power, one that takes it away from brands and gives it almost entirely to consumers. According to a new report from Forrester Research, this shift is due to the unprecedented growth of digital – from applications to mobile phones to Buy it Now buttons.

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3 contrarian, hardnosed mobile commerce predictions for 2016
December 30, 2015 By

Here are three predictions that stand in contrast to the prevailing discussions around mobile payments, beacons, geo-targeting, Apple Passbook/Wallet and native applications.

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Beyond beacons: How retailers can understand the customer journey
December 29, 2015 By

Beacons alone will not shine a light on the full customer experience picture, from mobile to in-store. The technology is still limited and may prove difficult to scale.

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Three is the social media advertising magic number
December 28, 2015 By

How do you know if social media ads are working? Is social advertising a worthwhile investment to grow your business?

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What could 2016 hold for China’s luxury and travel markets?
December 28, 2015 By

China Luxury Advisors’ take on the evolution of Chinese luxury shopping next year and what it means for brands and retailers as consumers shift behavior.

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3 trends that will transform the media industry in 2016
December 24, 2015 By

The media industry is facing significant changes in 2016 as media companies and brands double-up their efforts to adjust to digitally savvy consumer needs. These shifts will pave the way for new advertising services and partnerships, as well as foster greater creativity focused on delivering more innovative content to consumers.

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3 steps for effective Facebook and Instagram holiday advertising
December 23, 2015 By

This season is an advertiser’s make-it-or-break-it time, particularly with Facebook, as it sells its ads based on a highly competitive bidding system.

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How digital coupons attract the ultra-mobile, millennial customer
December 22, 2015 By

More than 31 billion digital coupons will be redeemed this year, almost double the 16 billion redeemed in 2014, according to Juniper Research.

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The mobile customer is the new king in retail
December 21, 2015 By

We are currently in the midst of what Forrester Research calls a “Mobile Mind Shift.” Fueled by device proliferation, people are turning to their mobile phones for instant answers and gratification, and this is changing the world of technology as we know it.

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Luxury spa experience: This time it is personal
December 18, 2015 By

I am a mum of two young children and I am also client services director for an agency specializing in beauty, luxury and healthcare brands. So the time I spend in a day spa is at an absolute premium, carefully chosen based on trusted recommendations.

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Holy trinity of digital: Mobile video, data and artificial intelligence
December 17, 2015 By

We live in a world of information-overload. On average, we see 362 advertising messages per day, but only 12 will make a significant impression.

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Transforming mobile advertising into mobile customer care
December 16, 2015 By

A recent survey found that 73 percent of brands think they care for consumers, while only 36 percent of consumers agree, highlighting a major, yet easily avoidable, problem in the consumer/brand relationship.

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What is driving the surge in media M&A activity?
December 15, 2015 By

We are hearing from media executives across departments and title levels who predict that M&A activity will increase. Prime M&A targets for media companies will be digital companies.

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Striking the balance between content and ads in a mobile-first world
December 14, 2015 By

Where mobile has created monetary struggles for traditional and digital publishers, social media platforms have conversely hit their stride.

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Brands and publishers need to reorient for vertical video
December 11, 2015 By

After years of resistance against vertical video, the rising popularity of this unorthodox orientation has begun to push advertisers and publishers to reconsider their video strategies.

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Turning holiday slowdown into treasure
December 10, 2015 By

For service-based businesses, the holiday season can mean a winter slowdown, as the normally steady stream of customers reduces to a trickle.

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