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What is wrong with Apple?
January 29, 2016 By

To industry pundits and casual observers, it came as a shock this week when Apple projected that growth for its iPhone sales would hit the slowest pace since 2007, the year of the iconic phone’s release.

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Are exhibitions a wise investment for luxury brands?
January 28, 2016 By

With live-streaming of fashion shows the norm, the buzz that a brand can create is little more than the 12 minutes of its duration, and then we are all onto the next event.

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Effect of time and location on sports fan engagement using mobile
January 28, 2016 By

Since digital media platforms have come into existence, sports brands have used them as mechanisms to shout to their audience. This has resulted in a megaphone for teams and leagues to tell their stories. The conversation has essentially been a one-way experience where teams would hope that fans would find them.

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Are you affluent or middle class? Why it matters
January 28, 2016 By

Your effectiveness as a marketer or retailer of true luxury products or services could be substantially influenced by your answer to this question.

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3 trends that will define mobile retail marketing in 2016
January 27, 2016 By

Last year was another banner year for mobile. Mobile search overtook desktop for the first time, heralding the smartphone as the connected digital device of choice. We also saw further market penetration for new mobile platforms such as wearables and mobile pay.

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Chinese New Year do’s and don’ts for luxury brands and retailers
January 26, 2016 By

China has declared a national holiday this year from Feb. 7-13, which paves the way for the massive travel that corresponds to Chinese New Year, known as the 40-day Chunyun period. This is also the largest human migration in the world, with more than 3.7 billion trips made during the Chunyun period in 2015.

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Payments: The last mile of online customer intimacy
January 26, 2016 By

When it comes to online commerce, the point at which money changes hands has often been the moment a sale falls apart. What was a carefully crafted brand experience becomes off-putting and complicated. There are confusing redirects, forms that clash with the rest of the design, and a lot of sensitive data that needs to be entered.

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Why do hotels always end up with mobile in room 101?
January 25, 2016 By

It is no secret that hotels have had their Web-based business swiped from under their noses by the likes of Priceline, owner of Kayak and Now the preferred destination for hotel visitors online despite not owning any property or producing anything, Priceline has a bigger market value than the top 15 hotel groups combined.

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Reviewing SMS and MMS retail holiday marketing
January 25, 2016 By

Retailers made great strides, baby steps and big gaffs in the march toward SMS marketing excellence this past holiday season. Here is a recap of ideas to emulate or avoid.

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Luxury in India: Top 10 trends for 2016
January 22, 2016 By

The Indian luxury landscape is experiencing strong evolutionary undercurrents that are redefining the consumer profile and how luxury players will need to operate in this domain during 2016.

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9 tips for designing smart watch apps
January 21, 2016 By

Smart watches offer a promising new customer touch point for retailers and financial services companies, but any successful effort to use them in your business will depend strongly on having a laser focus on the simplicity and utility of your application’s design.

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Android’s great untapped marketing potential
January 20, 2016 By

Many still consider ad networks to be in an amateur state, and mobile marketing in its infancy. Over the coming years, the marketing community will be able to leverage greater value from information gleaned from users’ mobile devices, enabling more precise and effective marketing than ever before.

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Nation’s highest-potential shoppers are turning away from the mall
January 20, 2016 By

While mall owners blame the trend on the closing of anchor stores such as Macy’s, the real reason behind the demise of malls is that shoppers, especially the high-potential affluent customers, have lost interest.

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Mobile’s biggest opportunity is not advertising or an app
January 18, 2016 By

Despite Google’s prediction that 85 percent of the top 100 retailers will have beacon technology in place by the end of 2016, true mainstream adoption on either side is still probably a couple of years away.

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Best practices for advertising in mobile commerce
January 15, 2016 By

In the United States, mobile devices account now for 30 percent of retail commerce, while sales are expected to total over $100 billion.

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5 ways your brand can be authentic
January 14, 2016 By

Authenticity is an overrated term in the marketing and advertising industry. As marketers, we all vie for that deep relationship between our brand and our consumers, but many campaigns seem to fall flat.

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Issues with ad blockers, opt-ins, apps and HTML5 in 2016
January 13, 2016 By

This will be a fascinating and pivotal year for mobile’s role in marketing. But there will be opportunities as well as challenges.

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Market turmoil in China: What’s in store for 2016?
January 12, 2016 By

The real news is the slowdown in China’s growth and the devaluation of the RMB.

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Predictions for mobile proximity and beacons in 2016
January 12, 2016 By

Mobile proximity is ready for its coming-of-age moment this year, thanks to a better understanding of technology, methodology and best practice from all parties involved.

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How brands must adapt to shifts in digital marketing
January 11, 2016 By

As we enter 2016, leading brands and smart marketers alike must adopt the proper strategies to navigate through the increasingly complex and competitive world of digital marketing.

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Adaptive mobility at CES
January 8, 2016 By

LAS VEGAS, NV – We live in an uber-connected world and, as marketers, we have entered the third wave of digital advertising. The first wave was the desktop Internet. The second wave was mobile, with applications and the mobile Web. And now the third wave is adaptive mobility, coming from the world of wearables, sensors and the Internet of Things.

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