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Digital product development does not end on launch day
March 18, 2016 By

There is no such thing as a finalized digital product. Instead, launch day should usher in the next phase of your hard work.

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Luxury: What better word is there?
March 17, 2016 By

The challenge? Find a better, more accurate word to depict the best of the best.

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5 best-practice tips for mobile proximity messaging
March 17, 2016 By

The success of any mobile proximity campaign is highly dependent on user engagement. Messaging that does not motivate a user to take action is a wasted impression and will affect your results negatively.

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7 best-practice tips for mobile video advertising
March 16, 2016 By

It is all for nothing if mobile video ads do not work with the specific challenges of mobile devices.

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6 ways to disrupt shopping cart abandonment
March 15, 2016 By

The Baymard Institute reports that the average abandonment rate is 67.91 percent – which means that for every hundred people who visit a Web site, about 68 of them become frustrated with the online payment system and abandon their purchase.

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Why luxury brands must evolve their media planning and buying strategy
March 14, 2016 By

Luxury marketers may be frantically increasing their digital budgets, but they are doing it wrong.

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3 lessons for mobile sites from the 2015 holiday season
March 14, 2016 By

Keeping control of a strong user experience is a continual struggle as marketers add new technology and tools to enhance functionality and boost response, because every new element introduces a potential single point of failure.

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How luxury brands should target India’s super-rich
March 11, 2016 By

This exclusive report spells out the state of India’s luxury market, with an emphasis on demographics, consumer attitudes, what is working and what is not, as well as a roadmap for brands and retailers to establish themselves in the world’s fastest-growing market economy.

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10 mobile metrics to measure engagement
March 11, 2016 By

Measuring engagement tells you how well you are succeeding at making an addicting product. But no company is going to define engagement in the same way.

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Luxury brands are more vulnerable than ever to crises
March 10, 2016 By

It is not something that any company likes to think about, but crisis communications management should be near the top of the to-do list of every luxury brand this year.

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Personalizing real-time experiences on mobile
March 10, 2016 By

Just as people can be quick to dismiss impersonal desktop interactions, expectations are higher for a personalized, real-time experience on smartphones. The customer journey is no longer linear. It is a lifecycle.

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Making a case for the subscription model in luxury
March 9, 2016 By

The subscription model is best known for the plethora of well-curated box-of-the-month offerings that range from daily necessities such as razors and handcrafted organic personal-care items to hard-to-find and exotic food, wine and snacks.

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Using app data to improve the customer experience
March 9, 2016 By

The digital marketers that I talk to tell me that there are significant challenges in keeping up with today’s rapidly changing audience expectations and demands.

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Capital trends for the ultra-wealthy
March 8, 2016 By

Increasingly, the ultra-wealthy – those with a net worth of $30 million or more – are taking a closer look at how they handle their financial affairs due to the low returns and high fluctuations experienced in 2000-2002, 2008-2009, 2011 and now early 2016.

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Counting on social capital: New way to evaluate entrepreneurial worth
March 8, 2016 By

In a three-year examination of the challenges faced by skilled entrepreneurs with highly developed social capital operating in geographies with underdeveloped “financial capital” markets, the dislocation between the two proved to be profound and stifling.

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5 trends in mobile advertising
March 4, 2016 By

Mobile users average 3 hours and 40 minutes each day on their phones, longer than we probably devote to eating, cycling or intimacy.

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How brands should make mobile strategy and platform choices
March 3, 2016 By

While the number of mobile Internet users grew 23 percent over last year, more notable is the shifting behavior of consumers towards mobile channels and how this has contributed to explosive mobile ad growth and increased engagement on social media via mobile.

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Rapidly evolving mobile payments market is table stakes for retailers
March 2, 2016 By

Anticipate a continued influx of retailers launching their own mobile payment options and clamoring to take a stake in a potentially huge mobile payments market.

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Fashion’s newest models are not on the runway
March 1, 2016 By

The old paradigm of malls and major brands comprising the market are under siege by channels and service models that cater to a new generation of fashion customer.

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Mobile ad blocking is not a crisis – yet
February 29, 2016 By

It is important for brands to understand what drives consumers to install blockers and how they can avoid being part of the consumer backlash that drives ad blocking.

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Mobile advertising in the age of ad blockers
February 26, 2016 By

According to GlobalWebIndex in a published report, use of ad-blocking software jumped 10 percent during the fourth quarter, much of it attributed to mobile: 36.7 percent of mobile users have employed an ad blocker.

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