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Reaching moms with mobile advertising
May 6, 2016 By

Mothers are an attractive audience to marketers of all kinds, as they are typically the primary purchase decision makers in the household.

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One year on, Apple Watch and wearables are increasing BLE usage on smartphones
May 4, 2016 By

With the rise of home automation and the smart devices that go in them, more consumers will be introduced to devices that require BLE to be constantly on.

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Proper use of digital in selling personal luxury goods
May 4, 2016 By

As luxury is the segment most dependent on stores for the first purchase of a particular brand’s line, the decline in store traffic will continue to hurt luxury sales disproportionately unless many necessary steps are taken.

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Circle of advertising life
May 3, 2016 By

As the dust settles following the ad-blocking frenzy of late last year, we can begin to see the extent of the impact.

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Mobile apps vs. mobile Web: Do you have to choose?
May 2, 2016 By

In the changing face of mobile commerce, the ongoing debate between mobile apps and the mobile Web is about trade-offs.

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Closing the gap between commercial and private air travel
April 29, 2016 By

There are trends in the private jet industry to sell seats or share, imitating scheduled airlines. This blurs the traditional distinction between two types of travelers: those who fly by private jet (the “haves”) and those who cannot (the “have nots”).

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When it comes to mobile shopping, customer location is everything
April 29, 2016 By

Mobile killed the marketing funnel. The dominant model once showed consumer behavior following a linear, logical progression from awareness and consideration to purchase, loyalty and advocacy.

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Cat-and-mouse game of mobile ad fraud has only just begun
April 28, 2016 By

Though mobile advertising has grown to become a $100 billion spending category, we are still very much in the early stages of the fight against mobile ad fraud.

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How luxury brands should engage on Instagram and Snapchat
April 27, 2016 By

Instagram has become a leader, especially for luxury marketing, with new content to engage brand fans.

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What drives mobile loyalty these days?
April 27, 2016 By

The rapid shift of retail and commerce to the mobile environment should serve as a wake-up call for brands and loyalty marketers.

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Luxury consumers blurring lines between offline, online and mobile
April 26, 2016 By

Ecommerce, social media and mobile technology have erased any clear order of operations in the customer experience.

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Integrate real-time components into ad campaigns
April 26, 2016 By

A recent Microsoft survey found that the average attention span has dropped to eight seconds, which is less than a goldfish’s nine-second attention span.

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3 ways to reinvent the phone number
April 25, 2016 By

Conventional wisdom is that the phone number is on the way out. When Facebook rolled out its predictions for what 2016 would hold, one of its key arguments was for the disappearance of the phone number as messaging applications continue to grow.

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Quantifying effective mobile user experiences
April 25, 2016 By

A Forrester study reports that half of users’ state they would uninstall an app that they classify as poor and would be less willing to interact with the company’s Web site or on social media.

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Examine your terms and conditions: New Jersey sees a flood of class-action lawsuits
April 22, 2016 By

Marketers, it is important to dust off your company’s terms and conditions. This year has seen a sharp spike in consumer lawsuits alleging violations of New Jersey’s awkwardly named Truth-in-Consumer Contract, Warranty and Notice Act.

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How fashion needs to deliver in digital commerce
April 22, 2016 By

Rather than thinking about how to merge inspiration with transaction and social with commerce at individual destinations, companies should start from the customer decision journey.

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Targeting customers in abstract terms versus concrete
April 21, 2016 By

Consumer psychologists talk about distance in psychological terms, meaning that a customer using concrete thinking to consider an object has a different shopping experience than one who uses abstract thinking.

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How mobile can swing the vote in the primaries and on Election Day
April 21, 2016 By

If you think about the way mobile is currently used in retail, you can see how much it makes sense for political advertising.

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4 ways technology can revitalize luxury shopping
April 20, 2016 By

With in-store experiences remaining key to luxury brand success, how can technology improve the bottom line in this traditionally high-touch business?

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Next generation of digital publishers is detachable
April 20, 2016 By

Brands are facing a significant problem with distribution solutions.

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Why and how content marketing works for luxury
April 19, 2016 By

For luxury brands, the chief value of content marketing lies in its ability to reel in, persuade and evangelize the most discerning audience in a language and elevated aesthetic that is particular to luxury.

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