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In-China luxury brand Web performance: Not so luxurious
May 24, 2016 By

Western luxury brands – and Western retailers of all types, for that matter – face major technical challenges when it comes to delivering strong Web performance in China

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Mobile deep linking with URL schemes pave way for Apple Universal Links and Google App Indexing implementations
May 24, 2016 By

When should marketing links lead to a mobile Web site? When should links detect and open a mobile app, or the app store or even a complementary app?

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Why media buying does not need to be hard in this market
May 24, 2016 By

The proliferation of platforms, technologies and mediums, including walled gardens, has indeed raised the intimidation factor.

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New federal overtime rules will burden luxury brands, retailers and agencies
May 23, 2016 By

While the basic premise of the United States overtime law has not changed, its administration is going to change effective Dec. 1, and these new rules will be particularly onerous for luxury marketers and retailers.

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Do not get stuck in mobile limbo
May 23, 2016 By

As more consumers come to expect the experiences delivered through context marketing, marketers who do not adopt it will fall behind, and those who do will be mobile leaders.

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End of status quo in mobile app acquisition marketing
May 20, 2016 By

The costs associated with acquiring a loyal user – someone who opens an app three times or more – was at an all-time high of $4.23 for Apple iOS in December 2015, according to Fiksu. During the same month, the cost per install (CPI) for Android users reached a new height at $3.34.

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The misappropriation of native advertising
May 20, 2016 By

Muddling the concepts of native with non-native formats is ultimately a disservice to advertisers and to publishers in what is already a very confusing marketplace.

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Luxury is meaningless. Or why millennials want more than just a brand
May 19, 2016 By

With many alternatives to choose from, millennials demand better value for their money and greater real-time curation from their luxury brands. They will not accept a brand’s status at face value, preferring to unearth information for themselves.

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Sales tips for reaching HR professionals
May 19, 2016 By

HR professionals get a heavy dose of sales and marketing messaging on a daily basis. Most of it ends up in the proverbial or literal trash can. Money wasted.

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What is the color of luxury in the 21st century?
May 18, 2016 By

A short trawl through the logos and palettes of contemporary luxe brands could easily lead you to believe that the modern world is either black – denoting power, authority and an air of mystery – or white, signaling purity and fragility.

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Flipboard and Pinterest drive interest-driven content and customized newsfeeds. Is it enough?
May 18, 2016 By

Unlike Twitter and Facebook, Pinterest and Flipboard at their core are focused on individual user interests – not on who they know.

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Will the 2016 US presidential election hurt luxury retail?
May 17, 2016 By

Since the ups and downs of the luxury market are driven primarily by the mood, feeling and mindset of affluent consumers, it is reasonable to conclude that election years are bad for luxury retail.

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Marketers must track behavior down to the individual level
May 17, 2016 By

Most data analysts and marketers gather large amounts of segmented data generated over long periods of time – page views, sessions and transactions – and use that insight to create better experiences in the future. This is the old way of doing things.

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The ethics of luxury
May 16, 2016 By

British Prime Minister David Cameron last week committed the ultimate red-faced blunder as he pronounced Nigeria “fantastically corrupt” in a conversation with the Queen that was caught on microphone – just days before London’s anti-corruption summit.

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Deconstructing GEICO’s ad in Architectural Digest
May 16, 2016 By

GEICO’s advertisement in “Architectural Digest” magazine represents for the company a leap from engaging a mass/premium target audience to engaging a class/luxury audience.

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Rethinking rewards for the millennial consumer
May 13, 2016 By

The fact that 83 percent of millennials have slept with their phone in their bed illustrates their connectedness and reliance on technology.

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5 reasons why influencer marketing has emerged as today’s go-to strategy
May 13, 2016 By

Consumers now increasingly look to their trusted network of online influencers, as well as reviewers who speak in an authentic first-person voice, to share detailed accounts and storytelling around their product experiences.

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4 reasons why your app keeps getting deleted
May 12, 2016 By

Given that just 200 apps make up more than 70 percent of all app usage, it can be awfully challenging for brands outside of that elite group to create something that sticks.

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Building a relationship in 3 seconds, or less
May 11, 2016 By

According to a recent study, the average adult’s attention span is down to eight seconds, down from the 12-second attention span commonly cited a short 15 years ago.

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4 tips to build Gen Y loyalty with mobile rebates
May 9, 2016 By

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, hold an immense amount of purchasing power, so it is now more critical than ever that retailers understand their shopping and saving habits.

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Top 10 mobile adoption myths in fashion and luxury apparel
May 6, 2016 By

It is perplexing to observe the number of retailers in the fashion industry and elsewhere who have failed to take note of something that Burberry, Kate Spade, Ralph Lauren and a host of other significant names have now seized upon.

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