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Riposte to Scotty Moore’s screed to CMOs to stop all mobile advertising immediately
June 17, 2016 By

In response to Scotty Moore’s VentureBeat-published “Open letter to CMO’s: Stop all mobile advertising immediately,” yes, our industry does have a problem with mobile advertising. Marketers are wasting money on mobile campaigns that drive errant and fraudulent clicks, and they cannot tell if their ads are actually being viewed.

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What devices can tell us about consumer intent
June 15, 2016 By

An eBay Enterprise report found that 81 percent of consumers use more than one device to browse online and that 64 percent rely on more than one device in the evaluation and purchase of a single item.

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Using high-impact ad units for immersive content
June 14, 2016 By

According to Cisco, more people will have mobile phones (5.4 billion) than electricity (5.3 billion), running water (3.5 billion) and cars (2.8 billion) by 2020.

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Luxury marketers are in the happiness business
June 14, 2016 By

Through the research process, it has become clear to me that at its heart, every brand participating in the luxury market is ultimately in the happiness business.

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Blueprint for profitable luxury collaborations and partnerships: Part I
June 13, 2016 By

A decade ago if you asked 100 luxury brands in a room for a show of hands as to how many had engaged in a strategic partnership or collaboration with a kindred-spirit luxury brand, you would be lucky to see five hands raised.

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4 steps to maximize app marketing
June 13, 2016 By

Nielsen estimates that the average person now spends 30 hours per month using apps.

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6 practical applications of mobile moments for CPG marketers
June 10, 2016 By

It is no secret that brands and agencies are on the hunt for more effective ways to engage mobile consumers.

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Mobile technology and the 2016 US presidential election
June 9, 2016 By

With the 2016 United States presidential election campaign in full swing, the United States is expected to experience an election dominated by more mobile devices than in previous history.

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Stay on top of mobile search habits to benefit from Google’s “Micro-Moments”
June 8, 2016 By

The moment you turn off your defenses by turning off your marketing is the moment you give your competition permission to steal your customers.

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Graphene set to change mobility and much more
June 7, 2016 By

Graphene is the world’s strongest material, stronger than a diamond, 200 times stronger than steel, and yet lightweight and flexible.

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Viewability is the new mobile metric
June 6, 2016 By

To fully optimize their mobile advertising campaigns, marketers must understand a key metric that is taking over.

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Amazon Echo: The new voice in brand engagement
June 3, 2016 By

Alexa moved into our home a few months ago. And we are not alone: she has already moved into 3 million other homes in the United States.

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4 tips to improve mobile commerce effectiveness
June 2, 2016 By

Understanding the differences between mobile and desktop conversion can help brands better interpret conversion rates.

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Obama overtime rule affects advertising agencies and media companies
June 1, 2016 By

All employers, and particularly those in the media and advertising industries, given the long hours typically associated working in these industries, will be faced with making decisions about how they pay and monitor the time worked of their employees.

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7 reasons for RFID in luxury retailing
May 31, 2016 By

The time for adoption of item-level RFID (radio-frequency identification) is finally here.

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What Bono’s One campaign teaches us about business in the new economy
May 27, 2016 By

When Bono’s organization talks, people listen.

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New language of anti-authenticity
May 27, 2016 By

Consumers seek out brands with visions and pillars that are aligned with their aspirations, interests and what resonates with them on a deeper level.

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Optimizing video advertising in a mobile world
May 26, 2016 By

According to Business Insider and the Interactive Advertising Bureau, revenue from digital video advertising on desktop is projected to increase $3 billion dollars by 2020. Growth over the same time period for advertising on mobile platforms is an astounding $5.3 billion.

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Debate over short-form vs. long-form content irrelevant
May 25, 2016 By

What began as a reasonable discussion about the merits of newer, digital-native forms of content and what effect, if any, those were having on the vaunted long-form article has devolved into an all-out war-of-words amongst aficionados of both camps.

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Beginner’s guide to altered reality
May 25, 2016 By

While the term may sound like something you would hear in a futuristic sci-fi film, the idea of altered reality is no longer limited to just fiction. Increasingly, it is becoming an integrated part of our world and an avenue for brands to explore.

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In-China luxury brand Web performance: Not so luxurious
May 24, 2016 By

Western luxury brands – and Western retailers of all types, for that matter – face major technical challenges when it comes to delivering strong Web performance in China

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