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Are agencies missing on the luxury opportunity?
August 3, 2016 By

The size of the global fashion business is growing and is expected to generate double-digit growth between now and 2020, according to a report from McKinsey & Co. McKinsey also claims that the apparel, fashion and luxury sector outperformed the global market over the past decade, exceeding even technology companies.

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Why in-app advertising is a must for marketers
August 2, 2016 By

In-application advertising is currently the fastest growing form of mobile advertising on the market. According to BI Intelligence, United States app-install ad revenue is estimated to grow to more than $7 billion by year-end 2020.

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Dirty truth about omnichannel retail
August 1, 2016 By

The dirty secret of omnichannel retail – that is, secret to all but the people who suffer it every day – is that the smooth, polished, we’ve-got-it-all-together exterior that retailers present to consumers masks the reality.

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Mobile payments beyond NFC: The case for beacons
July 29, 2016 By

It is no secret that banks have concerns that tech giants such as Apple and Google are entering their sectors with mobile wallets and payment solutions.

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The Amazon effect: Is there a new player in the fashion retail space?
July 28, 2016 By

With recent reports showing luxury fashion spend is down and Burberry recording a recent drop in earnings, Amazon may see an opportunity to shake up a new sector.

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Customers are lazy. Are marketers ready to pick up the slack?
July 28, 2016 By

When did it start? Ten, 11 or 12 years ago when marketers began, slowly, conceding their driver’s seat to consumers?

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Rallying cry for transparency should mean more revenue for mobile publishers
July 27, 2016 By

Both advertisers and publishers are demanding more transparency in everything they do.

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As mobile conversion rate stagnates at 1pc, time to reassess responsive Web design?
July 26, 2016 By

The responsive Web design bandwagon has been rolling on for three-plus years now and, in the face of ever-increasing mobile traffic numbers, it is time to apply some real scrutiny.

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To move forward, Snapchat must look to Instagram
July 25, 2016 By

Snapchat is a marketer’s dream, with users watching 8 billion videos per day and spending an average of 30 minutes inside the application. With such a prominent influence – ranking as the fastest-growing social network among millennials – there is ample talk about how Snapchat will monetize, especially given its ephemeral nature.

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The luxury antifraud experience for luxury buyers
July 22, 2016 By

There is no industry where the essential tension of online fraud prevention is more apparent and more pressing than luxury goods.

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How luxury brands engage the mobile-savvy customer
July 21, 2016 By

No omnichannel technology can replace the effect of stellar face-to-face customer experiences provided in stores, where the majority of consumers still do their buying.

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Yes, app marketers, you do need a message center
July 21, 2016 By

Applications that employ push notifications drive more than twice as much usage as apps that do not. App users are your most profitable customers. So it only makes sense to ensure that notifications are both seen and retained.

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Big mistakes that app marketers make daily
July 20, 2016 By

If you are a marketer or retailer with applications, I have some bad news for you.

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What is wrong with your mobile loyalty program and how to fix it?
July 20, 2016 By

Somewhere in that moment of truth between what the customer expects and what your app offers, the ball gets dropped. The experience breaks down and fails to deliver.

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Emotion-based research: Measuring consumer love for luxury brands
July 19, 2016 By

Ask the most fashionable people on the street why they buy the designers they do and they will likely struggle to provide a rational reason. That is because it is less about the practical and more about the emotional connections that they have with certain brands, especially when it comes to luxury.

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Top 5 must-haves in your mobile apps
July 19, 2016 By

Aside from the aesthetics, what specific functions should an app absolutely include?

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What impact will Brexit have on the UK’s luxury brands?
July 18, 2016 By

Luxury marketers need to look beyond this short, sharp, natural disaster that has beset the United Kingdom’s economy. And in that regard, the impact of Brexit is more nuanced, with pros as well as cons depending on the nature of the luxury business.

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Is your brand developing a chatbot strategy?
July 15, 2016 By

Marketers and customer service professionals are now paying a lot of attention to chatbots. Whereas the Web, mobile marketing and smartphone applications were at one point the next big thing, chatbots are now becoming a pervasive part of a brand’s digital toolkit.

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Retailers must hold brands responsible for their distribution
July 15, 2016 By

Amazon, search engines and, to a lesser extent, brand Web sites are where the majority of customers start their purchasing journey. For many brands, the results returned from such product searches are not flattering.

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Cutting through the noise around location accuracy
July 14, 2016 By

With any evolving technology, the cost of early adoption is dealing with a learning curve. One element of location technology which is particularly noisy is the location accuracy of mobile devices. How accurate is location data really? A few hundred feet? A few dozen feet? Four feet?

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What brands should know about Pokémon GO
July 13, 2016 By

Pokémon GO has taken over the world. Reports from SimilarWeb emerged on July 11 morning that the application had overtaken Tinder in Android app downloads and expected to overtake Twitter in daily active users.

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