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Lifestyle benefit beginning to outweigh traditional luxury stories
August 24, 2016 By

Millennials are the future consumers of all brands, now commanding an estimated $1.3 trillion in annual consumer spending. As brands target the largest generation of all time, the luxury industry still lags behind.

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Understanding mobile advertising trends: Smartphone vs. tablets
August 23, 2016 By

As the digital advertising marketplace continues to develop, mobile display advertising continues to outperform desktop. But within this digital platform, different consumer behavior and trends are evolving with regard to mobile and tablet.

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How wireless carriers can compete with Facebook, Google and WhatsApp
August 23, 2016 By

According to Morgan Stanley, in the first quarter of 2016, 85 cents of every new dollar spent in online advertising will go to Google or Facebook, compared to 67 cents in the mobile ad market.

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The problem with mobile games and ads
August 22, 2016 By

With mobile games set to generate more revenue than their PC and console counterparts for the first time this year, you would be forgiven for thinking that the mobile games industry was in rude health.

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Why Pinterest is a platform that marketers cannot ignore
August 22, 2016 By

Research has revealed the extent of Pinterest’s commercial potential: 72 percent of Pinterest users have bought something that they saw on Pinterest in a real-world shop and 64 percent of Pinterest users actually look at items that they have pinned while they are in-store.

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Global luxury real estate market begins to correct?
August 19, 2016 By

Savvy world travelers are educated on the ways of the world and extremely sensitive to the impact of global events. They understand innately that economic change such as Brexit, unrest such as the refugee crisis and uncertainty such as the United States presidential election affect the global economy. They keep their fingers on the pulse and are ready to turn on a dime if needed.

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Customer support is your brand’s untapped secret weapon
August 19, 2016 By

Customer support is not just about dealing with disgruntled customers. It is much more than that. Done right, your customer support reps are in a prime position to help improve nearly every facet of your organization because they have a close pulse on your mobile customers.

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Is your location data actionable?
August 19, 2016 By

Making your data actionable means combining data and content to own the next moment – or the action that occurs after a consumer finds you.

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4 benchmarks for judging quality of leads
August 18, 2016 By

As CRM databases become increasingly key to lead-generation activities, and sales and marketing professionals begin to operate more like scientists, a new mantra is taking over.

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4 steps to make mobile marketing more effective
August 17, 2016 By

When it comes to marketing, the mobile numbers do not lie, and the future is promising. Mobile ad expenditures are projected to exceed $100 billion this year, capturing more than 50 percent of the digital media market. By 2019, that proportion will jump to more than 70 percent.

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5 emerging trends in fragrance marketing strategy
August 17, 2016 By

When almost half (49 percent) of all yearly perfume sales are over the festive period, having the right launch strategy in place is vital to success.

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Millennial women and visual platforms
August 16, 2016 By

Visual platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat continue their deepening influence with today’s consumers.

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5 trends shaping in-app advertising
August 15, 2016 By

The consumer now spends an enormous amount of time on mobile. Within the medium, the average user spends nearly 200 minutes in mobile applications daily, compared to 22 minutes on the mobile Web.

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What your brand can learn from Jeff Bezos and Pokemon Go
August 12, 2016 By

Amazon founder/CEO Jeff Bezos has been using games to monetize his latest acquisition: that most venerable and strait-laced of American institutions, The Washington Post.

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Amazon minus Birkenstock in 2017: Will others follow and did Birkenstock go far enough?
August 12, 2016 By

As you may have heard, Birkenstock is leaving Amazon in 2017 as a direct result of a steep increase in the sale of fake Birkenstocks on Amazon.

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Context key in online video advertising
August 11, 2016 By

Eye-racking research finds that users tend to focus on the skip button rather than the video itself: nine out of 10 do so, and three out of four of those actually use it.

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Building engaging and secure mobile apps
August 9, 2016 By

The more personal data that marketers obtain, the better they can serve their users. However, users do not typically have much desire to help them.

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Unlocking mobile programmatic’s potential
August 8, 2016 By

Programmatic display ad spending in the United States is expected to top $22 billion this year, according to eMarketer, with mobile expected to represent 69 percent of the total spend.

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After the click: The ROI fallacy
August 5, 2016 By

Impression metrics can give you an initial sense of confidence in your digital marketing strategy, but you need to go deeper to see the true impact.

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Impossible for large media companies to innovate?
August 4, 2016 By

There are plenty of obstacles that limit our industry’s potential to drive true innovation, from technology limitations to contract provisions. However, individual and collective mindsets – including the idea of “Well, it’s just the way we do things” – are among the biggest.

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Italy now leads France as luxury travelers’ “in” place: Is terrorism a factor?
August 4, 2016 By

While Italy’s top hotels in its favorite cities and exclusive resorts have always commanded premium prices in season, Paris and the French Riviera were always top of the league in overall pricing and appeal for the ultra-high-net-worth traveler.

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