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Memo to Apple: When delight becomes expectation, loyalty becomes uncertain
October 3, 2016 By

Every year Apple met, set or exceeded consumers’ expectations for their ideal smartphone. And doing that kept consumers loyal and the brand very profitable. QED. Quod erat demonstrandum. But then the competition reset category expectations.

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The Pursuit of Luxury: Firenze Number Nine Urban Wellness Hotel
September 30, 2016 By

Luxury means many things to different people. For some, it means price, for others it means time, and for yet another few, it means experience. To achieve the bottom line for their companies, chief marketing officers and marketing directors at luxury companies are tasked with discovering how to interpret these multiple definitions into a strategy that drives business. This monthly column, The Pursuit of Luxury, will examine just how they do this.

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The case for reward-based advertising
September 30, 2016 By

You can praise native ads all you want, but it is not a silver bullet. You can say that brands are becoming publishers until you are blue in the face, but the fact is that the vast majority of digital ads are still intrusive, irritating and, increasingly, creepy.

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Where to invest in fashion technology?
September 28, 2016 By

The intersection between fashion and technology is hot. But beyond high-end fashion brands becoming more comfortable with ecommerce and cautiously developing their social media, content and mobile strategies, technology is still used as something of a gimmick.

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Digital marketing can generate a lower cost-per-acquisition than offline advertising
September 28, 2016 By

The luxury market is overly saturated with brands spending copious amounts of money on ads while competing for attention from an incredibly niche audience. In fact, this niche-spending group is one of the smallest consumer groups across all verticals.

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How a mobile-first attitude generates quality leads
September 27, 2016 By

The days of cheap or free customer acquisition are over. Google ads are highly competitive, Facebook is pay-to-play, and Instagram ads are here to stay. And now Snapchat has launched an enormous advertising push aimed at increasing its annual revenue from $59 million to $1 billion by the end of 2017.

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Social media will never overtake PR
September 26, 2016 By

Yes, social media is pervasive. Yes, social media has disrupted the PR industry. But it will never fully overtake PR and here are several reasons why.

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Driving the customer-engagement flywheel with mobile
September 26, 2016 By

Given the overall lack of executive-level recognition of the power that mobile now wields, even retailers that say they have embraced a mobile-first strategy have often not made significant changes in their organizational behavior.

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New luxury, old luxury, real luxury, faux luxury: What is a brand to do?
September 23, 2016 By

Luxury brands tell a luxury story that fits their image and ideal, not one designed and focused on the customer. But now the Internet has pulled the curtain back and exposed the ugly underbelly of these luxury brands.

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Augmented reality ushers new era of targeting advertising
September 23, 2016 By

With augmented reality applications, and the newfound willingness for users to allow themselves to be augmented, we are entering a new era in targeted advertising.

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Reinventing Saks in the face of disruption
September 22, 2016 By

The department store brand is reinventing the experience for the luxury market. It has recognized that it will either have to disrupt its business or the business will be disrupted by all of the other options out there.

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The game-changing digital transformation of fashion week
September 21, 2016 By

This will very likely go down as the year of the Great Fashion Week transformation.

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10 things to know about the global surge in menswear
September 20, 2016 By

Havas LuxHub conducted a global study of higher-spending men in key developed and developing markets – the kind of urban spenders who do not only have the tastes, but also the means to influence markets on a large scale.

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The threat to brand loyalty from Apple Pay
September 20, 2016 By

It is a surprise how many retailers will let mobile brands such as Google Wallet, Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay insert themselves in the midst of the transaction. Have they – indeed, have you – thoroughly considered what is really at stake?

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Why AdBlock Plus’ new ad network is good for readers
September 19, 2016 By

Advertisements that are deemed “acceptable ads” will be rendered on an AdBlock Plus user’s screen in the place of whatever ad was blocked originally.

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3 tips for sending push notifications from native apps
September 16, 2016 By

The general consensus among marketers is that push notifications could soon go down the email route in terms of intricacy.

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Social video grows brand interaction with the postmodern consumer
September 16, 2016 By

The consumer is now the impromptu director to the brand’s use of video. This leads directly to the erosion of the barrier between consumer and brand through interactive, collaborative video.

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Getting rich push notifications right in Apple’s iOS 10
September 15, 2016 By

Of all the new changes announced by Apple this month, none are more impactful for marketers than the availability of rich push notifications, which debuted with iOS 10 this week.

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Influencers must adhere to FTC guidelines without losing personal brand
September 15, 2016 By

Recently, companies such as Lord & Taylor and Machinima have been under fire from the Federal Trade Commission for deceiving customers by misrepresenting paid endorsements in influencer marketing campaigns.

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How to launch an effective cost-per-install app campaign
September 14, 2016 By

Installs are quickly becoming the ultimate mobile currency and with apps becoming an integral strategy for most of the world’s largest brands, this trend will only increase.

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5 tips to optimize images for mobile screens
September 13, 2016 By

Research has found that our brains process visuals 60,000 times faster than text, so as the screens get smaller and attention spans more frayed, it becomes even more important to use visuals effectively.

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