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How to make the messaging trend work for your business
November 15, 2016 By

Inboxes are still plagued by spam, social media has turned into an ad platform, and even modern solutions such as live chat are often impersonal and difficult to use.

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Luxury retailers’ Q3 Web performance report card
November 15, 2016 By

The digital presence of luxury brands has affected offline sales. Luxury shoppers tend to research online before taking the plunge and spending big. For the luxury retailers, there is a lot of potential riding on strong Web performance, particularly speed and availability.

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How fashion, luxury and America will have to adapt to the new political order
November 15, 2016 By

The Trump victory and ascendancy to the highest office in the United States has thrown fashion and luxury brands into a tizzy – not surprising given that they had overwhelming thrown their weight behind Hillary Clinton.

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Parliament’s say on Brexit is welcome news for British luxury
November 14, 2016 By

Having a voice and being understood could be crucial as, given its strong international focus, the stakes for British luxury are perhaps higher than for other parts of the economy.

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3 monetization strategies to boost ad revenue
November 14, 2016 By

It is no longer sufficient to just count more ad placements. A wider, holistic monetization approach is required here, with some greater focus on cross-channel expansion, mobile strategy, native ads and offline marketing channels.

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Valuing mobile marketing in an age of ad blocking
November 11, 2016 By

Mobile ads grew by 66 percent from 2014, compared to just 5 percent for desktop ads, and the mobile ad market in the United States is now estimated at $22 billion, based on data that shows consumers spending 25 percent of their time on mobile devices.

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What a Trump presidency means for marketers
November 10, 2016 By

It is hoped that President-elect Donald Trump’s broad business experience will lead him to understand the value that advertising plays in our economy.

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Why Trump won
November 10, 2016 By

The black swan is a theory that was developed by Nassim Taleb that helps explain the Donald Trump victory and why it was missed by experts.

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3 common mobile Web design mistakes that could cost brands
November 9, 2016 By

The most important sales and marketing tool that you have is the mobile experience that you offer your users. This holds especially true for luxury brands where the expectations that consumers have is higher.

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How to get mcommerce search right as ecommerce turns mobile first
November 8, 2016 By

Despite the significant shift to mobile, conversions are lower by 63 percent for mobile as compared with desktop shopping.

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Dreaming of a beacon-focused Christmas
November 8, 2016 By

We are rapidly approaching the most wonderful time of the year again. In preparation, marketers have been gearing up for the holiday shopping season — which comprises as much as 30 percent of retailers’ fiscal-year sales. And this year, the stakes are higher than ever.

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5 strategies to attract the affluent shopper
November 7, 2016 By

A recently completed consumer study on the affluent shopper reveals the realities of this rapidly growing segment and implications to retailers.

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Nuances of influencer marketing: Building successful partnerships in luxury
November 4, 2016 By

Brands are facing a challenge of ensuring that influencers are promoting their message, vision and product in a way that builds the company’s brand first and foremost – rather than the influencer prioritizing his or her own brand.

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Preparing for the digital holiday rush
November 3, 2016 By

New numbers from analytics provider RetailNext estimate that, overall, digital sales will climb to 16 percent of total retail sales this year. This will also impact an 11 percent decline in bricks-and-mortar store traffic in November and 5 percent in December as compared to 2015.

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Storytelling and beaver dams: GoPro to Snap
November 2, 2016 By

I need you to indulge me on an extremely circuitous – although hopefully informative – illustration of why the technology pancaking of services with a healthy portion of human-cantered design are essential to drive market adoption.

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Newly minted super rich leaking into accessible luxury: BCG
November 1, 2016 By

NEW YORK – Acquisition of new ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) consumers will be key to building sales for luxury brands as they adapt to the new normal of annual growth in the 3-5 percent range, down from 8-10 percent during the halcyon days of the past.

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SMS helps retailers with sales and customer engagement
November 1, 2016 By

Which other communication technology is able to provide instantaneous feedback and almost guaranteed open rates?

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Experience key as mobile moves to center of planning and strategy
October 31, 2016 By

While customer experience is hardly a new concept in the marketing world, recent mobile developments underscore the extent to which experience matters more than technology.

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3 reasons your mobile campaign should pull, not push
October 28, 2016 By

These days, push commerce is the default setting for marketers. Do you want customers? Assemble a gargantuan email list, blast out notifications with dozens of deals multiple times a day, and hope it will nudge someone toward a buy.

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How new luxury is undermining the old guard
October 27, 2016 By

If wealth and upper-class stations are evaporating as lifestyle markers, old-guard luxury brands are in a tough position.

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Travel brands poised to grow exponentially with mobile marketing
October 27, 2016 By

Some estimates say that by 2017, more than 30 percent of online travel bookings will be made on a smartphone.

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