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Implementing Facebook Analytics for Apps into a retailer’s mobile app strategy
March 17, 2017 By

Ninety percent of Facebook’s active daily users access Facebook through mobile, making it an ideal platform to capture new app users.

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How mobile point-of-sale goes beyond checkout
March 17, 2017 By

Mobile POS solutions can prevent losing a sale by providing endless-aisle capability.

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Factors reshaping the mobile app economy
March 17, 2017 By

Advertisers are starting to invest more in finding quality users for their apps – those who will either make purchases or engage with the app long enough to consume ads.

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TV + mobile = millennial engagement
March 17, 2017 By

There is a common misconception that millennials have abandoned traditional television in favor of video streaming, social media and other Web-based activities via mobile devices.

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Only one thing matters in mobile Web versus mobile app debate
March 17, 2017 By

You do not offer an engagement ring on a first date, and you do not ask a potential customer for a commitment on the first interaction. And yes, an app is a commitment.

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5 stats from Criteo’s latest state of cross-device commerce report
March 16, 2017 By

Criteo has analyzed billions of ecommerce transactions every quarter since 2014 to produce this semi-annual report. However, this is the first time to my knowledge that it has named it the State of Cross-Device Commerce. Earlier versions were called State of Mobile Commerce.

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Careful what data you ask for
March 16, 2017 By

There is a common belief that the more data you have on an individual, the better the understanding, and therefore you will be better at serving and selling to them.

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Why brands must develop creative as a scalable layer
March 15, 2017 By

Creative remains the ultimate carrier of your message: it compels engagement, it fuels viral social success, and it determines how your brand will be remembered.

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Who really owns the buying experience?
March 15, 2017 By

Experiences are the new common currency of shopping.

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Perils of mobile orders for the retail store channel
March 14, 2017 By

The customer who is willing to walk into your store to look, buy, try-on or just talk is the most dedicated customer you can have.

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Mobile apps are changing the future of loyalty
March 13, 2017 By

The future of loyalty is mobile and card free. The explosive growth of mobile applications has provided an obvious avenue for consumers to reduce the number of loyalty cards they carry.

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KAWS: Bridging the gap between luxury and China’s aspiring youth
March 13, 2017 By

Art and luxury have intersected time and time again in China as brands work to find new ways to engage aspiring collectors and art enthusiasts, especially those within the country’s budding market of Gen Y consumers.

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Dos and don’ts for marketers to start building a community
March 10, 2017 By

In today’s world of notifications, pings and distractions, it is really quite silly to assume that people are going to log in to a platform that is not already built into their daily routine.

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The telephone as an instrument of torture
March 10, 2017 By

It is the little things that often are not so little but deeply telling of a brand’s true corporate culture.

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Chatbots, vertical video and data targeting will reshape advertising this year
March 10, 2017 By

For all the growth over the past year, it is entirely possible that 2017 will bring even greater change to the way that consumers use their mobile devices and the tactics that marketers employ to engage those consumers.

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Google’s mobile-first index is made for these 5 sites
March 9, 2017 By

Google’s mobile-first index will be here in months, making Google prioritize mobile content for the first time in its history, and changing the indexing and ranking game for good. Will you be ready when it comes?

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Luxury brands should get influencer marketing right
March 8, 2017 By

Promoting products using influencers should only be done if there is a clear and natural fit between that product and influencer.

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Denmark sends an ambassador to Googleville
March 7, 2017 By

Last month, Denmark piqued the attention of the world by saying that in addition to dispatching ambassadors to capital cities worldwide, it would appoint a new digital ambassador to the cloud to work with the digital gods of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google parent Alphabet.

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Why luxury needs to become great again
March 6, 2017 By

We wish to reclaim the domain of the wealthy in the world of luxury. Otherwise, read our lips: it is not luxury.

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3 ways to leverage consumers’ affection for their smartphones
March 6, 2017 By

Our growing dependency on digital devices is slowly programming us to interact in certain manners.

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Brands scratching surface for app’s creative use
March 3, 2017 By

While mobile apps have been around for a while, we are really just scratching the surface when it comes to finding creative uses for them.

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