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Chatbots to transform holiday shopping
October 23, 2017 By

This holiday season, chatbots will be pulling double-duty, offering personal services and carrying on human-like conversations.

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Inviting opinion pieces on luxury marketing, retail and media
October 20, 2017 By

Luxury Daily is inviting opinion pieces on luxury advertising, marketing, media and retail issues that affect marketers as they run multichannel programs for branding as well as customer acquisition, retention and reactivation.

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What makes the Indian luxury consumer tick?
October 17, 2017 By

India’s growing luxury consumer base has the money to splurge, but wants a clear and real value proposition from luxury brands.

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What luxury brands look for in their managers
October 12, 2017 By

The truth is that luxury can only work if the products are unexpected and unplanned. Creation goes beyond a system or habits and the organization of a luxury house has to allow for this. This is where the manager comes in.

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The Yves Saint Laurent Museums: A portrait of the couturier as an artist
October 11, 2017 By

To put an article of clothing in the same category as a painting or a sculpture, fashion houses must to be the subject of museum exhibits. If we look at semantics, the word “couturier” or “dressmaker” has disappeared. The new terminology is “artistic director.”

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Building digital commerce for millennials
October 10, 2017 By

Best Buy, Target and Walmart all have remained flat in their mobile penetration for two solid years. During that time, Amazon has nearly doubled its monthly mobile impressions.

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Gen Z to dictate future of back-to-school trends
October 9, 2017 By

This summer’s back-to-school season was the most profitable ever, grossing almost $84 billion. The Generation Z demographic – consumers ages 21 and younger – likely played a major role in this success and retailers are taking note.

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Knockoffs: Securing the IP foundation on trademarks, trade dress, copyright and design patents
October 5, 2017 By

For a number of reasons, having a proper IP foundation is crucial – but one reason which runs counter to most people’s thinking stands out above all. In American law, in the absence of a positive right, copying is both permitted and encouraged.

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Significance of luxury real estate to the global high-net worth
October 4, 2017 By

For older luxury markets in North America and Europe, the idea of status connects more directly with personal achievement. For younger buyers, status also equates to exclusivity.

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Taking a luxury experience online
September 29, 2017 By

The things that define a luxury experience in digital are not the things that people seem to think they are.

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Retailers too focused on the holiday, not the consumer
September 28, 2017 By

Without fail, we start to see back-to-school marketing campaigns begin to rollout mid-summer, holiday promotions at the beginning of fall and then Valentine’s Day emails start rolling in right after New Year’s – and the cycle continues each year for each and every holiday.

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Amazon’s one-click patent expiration: Boon for ecommerce checkouts
September 27, 2017 By

What today’s consumers demand is a fully connected experience, one where everything comes together to create a quick, painless and satisfying shopping experience.

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How luxury brands use subtle signals to speak with an increasingly savvy clientele
September 26, 2017 By

The democratization of luxury brands and the rise of accessible luxury mean that loud signals are becoming increasingly visible and losing their luxury cachet.

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Experiences at luxury stores are universally dismal
September 22, 2017 By

The one thing that many brands have to differentiate themselves is their in-store experience.

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Prioritize ecommerce photography over social media content
September 21, 2017 By

The explosion of branded content on social media is a well-known phenomenon. However, its influence in the context of a purchase-decision driver has been less debated and quantified.

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Prepping the Web site before your next online ad campaign
September 20, 2017 By

The worldwide luxury business spent $1.01 billion on digital advertising in 2016, an increase of 63 percent since 2013, per media services agency Zenith Media. Over the same period, spending on magazine ads dropped 8 percent to $2.6 billion, claimed Zenith.

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Why luxury marketing does not need to be data-driven
September 15, 2017 By

What might appear as necessary for survival in the non-luxury retail world – in this case, data-driven marketing – might destroy what makes luxury so special.

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Luxury brands should look beyond the 40-plus crowd
September 14, 2017 By

Luxury brands have historically looked to a single target for sales growth in the United States: adults ages 40-plus with annual household incomes of more than $250,000. The problem is, this segment is spending less on top-tier products.

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The customer is always right: Improving the customer entitlement inventory
September 13, 2017 By

Customer entitlement reflects an individual customer’s sense of being special and deserving of immediate attention.

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Apple’s iOS 11 browser update threatens online advertising, publishing
September 8, 2017 By

As Apple strives to improve the user experience, it is also pushing a more restrictive ad-tracking policy that will make it far more difficult for advertisers to target their desired audiences and for publishers to optimize their advertising revenues.

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Shoppable video worth a serious look
September 6, 2017 By

The challenge for brands and retailers is how to convert video views into product sales.

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