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China’s Yanxuan, in challenge to luxury brands, implies quality is not expensive
July 10, 2018 By

If you were hopeful that China would rein in the counterfeiting of luxury goods, think again.

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How to navigate an art fair
July 9, 2018 By

In addition to the world’s most sought-after galleries, luxury brands also sponsor art fairs, often hosting special events and providing VIPs with accommodations and perks.

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5 disruptive statements from China Connect Shanghai 2018
July 6, 2018 By

The balance has now shifted in terms of affluent Chinese being so into their luxury lifestyles that their understanding of brands, products, collections and even the industry, in general, has exceeded that of those elsewhere.

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Does luxury’s response to digital create meaningful connections?
July 5, 2018 By

Whilst it may be true that all brands have to incorporate new technologies to an extent, it is does not follow that they need to be uncritical techno-worshippers.

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Men outspend women now on apparel and footwear. Is your store connecting with them?
July 3, 2018 By

Two big drivers of change in men’s shopping habits are that more men are getting their fashion inspiration from social media, and dress codes at work are more relaxed than a generation ago.

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China’s KOL bubble, and how brands can prepare
July 2, 2018 By

What should marketers look at as the next evolution in Chinese digital culture?

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The digital dilemma for luxury
June 29, 2018 By

Luxury is about uniqueness, rarity and scarcity, whereas digitalization is all about breaking boundaries and reaching the masses.

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Emulating WeWork’s design and user experience stance
June 28, 2018 By

WeWork aspires to change our work-life experience by emphasizing the importance of critical thinking in design rather than relying on cookie-cutter solutions that box us all in.

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Dangers of password-based loyalty programs
June 27, 2018 By

Attacks on loyalty programs are on the rise and it is concerning to retailers since they bear the costs of fraud in the form of lost dollars and trust.

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Luxury must marry old-world service with new technology
June 26, 2018 By

The window of opportunity to leverage new technologies to reach best customers on a highly bespoke basis, tailored to buying history, interests, income and lifestyle, remains open. For how long is anyone’s guess.

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Verizon, AT&T attempt to head off private data scandal on lines of Facebook
June 21, 2018 By

The wireless carriers are not the only ones who know where you are, where you have been and often where you are going.

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Under siege, 5 PR mistakes that Airbnb continues to make
June 21, 2018 By

Airbnb is facing an existential threat that has the potential to fundamentally destroy its revenue model. It is a crisis and public relations lesson that every entrepreneur and marketing professional should watch closely.

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Technology drives photography across ecommerce
June 19, 2018 By

Logistics within ecommerce photography can be a huge pain point if not handled properly.

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4 new Facebook Live features that are game-changing for marketers
June 11, 2018 By

Facebook recently launched new updates to Live that will enable brand marketers to get in front of their target audiences quicker and easier than ever.

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Luxury brands must focus on destination in ecommerce journey
June 8, 2018 By

When delivery does not align with expectation, and direct sales are poorly executed, there are repercussions.

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Technology can enhance a luxury brand’s luster
June 7, 2018 By

From diamonds to bespoke menswear and shopping districts, luxury brands are experimenting with technology and succeeding without degrading brand values.

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De Beers’ lab-grown diamonds: Response to demand or move to dominate the market?
June 6, 2018 By

By embracing lab-grown diamonds and calling them its own, De Beers is disrupting the industry’s stance against the numerous startup disruptors eating away at its market dominance.

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The new white-glove service
June 5, 2018 By

How is the new white-glove service being redefined? What does white glove mean to the millennials and Gen Y affluent consumers?

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For luxury brand valuations, name is everything
June 1, 2018 By

In the high-end luxury market, where virtually all of an enterprise’s value derives from its brand or brand portfolio, the ability to accurately assess its value—to quantify and render tangible the intangible—is especially critical.

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Luxury spending feeling a lot like 2007?
May 31, 2018 By

Across the globe, affluent consumers whose numbers and wealth are growing at a phenomenal pace are experiencing an uneasy sense of déjà vu.

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How luxury brands should approach their Britishness
May 30, 2018 By

Britishness can be a point of difference for many luxury brands, particularly in sectors where the competition tends not to be British.

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