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7 reasons why retailers should respond to reviews
December 19, 2018 By

Shoppers look to customer reviews to decide if they are going to choose a brand, and marketers follow them to better understand how their store is perceived.

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2 metrics that matter most to retailers’ holiday success
December 18, 2018 By

According to recently compiled data, acquiring a new customer is five times more expensive than retaining an existing customer. Yet, 44 percent of companies admit they “have a greater focus” on acquisition, while a mere 18 percent focus on retention.

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Book excerpt: The Wealth Elite
December 17, 2018 By

Rainer Zitelmann undertakes a groundbreaking study of the psychology of the super rich.

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Messaging as a platform points to future of conversational experiences
December 14, 2018 By

Messaging and conversational experiences are gradually transforming every aspect of the human-computer interface.

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Instagram’s newly unveiled shopping features: What brands need to know
December 13, 2018 By

The Facebook-owned social network has been focused on building out its capabilities over the past few months, unveiling two new ecommerce-focused features in September and adding three more last month.

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Pearls ready for comeback as perfect gem for millennials
December 12, 2018 By

For too long the jewelry industry has been putting all its eggs in one basket – diamonds – ignoring the potential in pearls.

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Pinterest 100: Top trends for 2019
December 12, 2018 By

Pinterest trends are unlike anything else out there. This is what some of the world’s most style-inspired, parenting-passionate, well-traveled, food-smart people are dreaming about for the year ahead.

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Social influencer arrangements generate lawsuits and legal issues
December 11, 2018 By

What can brands and the media firms they hire do to ensure that their attempts to use social media do not go bust – and that they do not have to bring suit to protect their interests and possibly collect back paid funds?

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5 challenges stumping luxury fashion
December 10, 2018 By

Luxury fashion’s biggest internal challenge is its outdated organizational structure.

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Top takeaways from the Luxury Society Keynote 2018 in Shanghai
December 7, 2018 By

Strengthening offline activities, engaging with millennial consumers and harnessing the power of homegrown KOLs is key for luxury brands operating in China.

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Time for luxury to adopt blockchain
December 6, 2018 By

Counterfeits are the biggest pain point for any luxury sector. Per the Global Brand Counterfeiting Report 2018, counterfeits cost the luxury industry $30.3 billion in lost online sales in 2017.

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New York’s Madison Avenue eyes post-90s generation Chinese business
December 5, 2018 By

Do luxury brands really know the Chinese customer, or do they simply view them as walking dollar signs? The numbers are eye-popping, with Chinese accounting for 32 percent of the $319.6 billion spent on luxury goods worldwide and only 10 percent of those sales occurring in China.

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Dolce&Gabbana’s recent China scandal: Customers wear your brand values
December 4, 2018 By

Marketers should understand that an entire generation of enlightened consumers operates with a philosophy that every brand they use, wear and consume reflects on their own personal brand.

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Why healthcare practices should keep doors open during the holidays
December 3, 2018 By

Black Friday shoppers set a new record this year, spending $6.22 billion online alone. With Christmas only weeks away, retailers are riding a major windfall.

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Hard sell will not sell: Brands need new approach for luxury consumers
November 30, 2018 By

It is increasingly difficult to get consumers’ attention, and even harder to hold it. Nowhere is this truer than in the luxury sector.

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War of our words
November 29, 2018 By

America has gone through three different ages of survival stories, and each age is defined by what we were trying to survive against at that time.

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Rethinking fashion’s transparency game plan
November 27, 2018 By

In the past, lack of transparency in a company’s supply chain was seen as a competitive advantage.

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Balenciaga sued by car-freshener maker for allegedly copying $3 pine tree design
November 27, 2018 By

This is now the second time that Balenciaga has been sued in New York’s Southern District court for misappropriation of the design of an inexpensive product for use as a luxury product.

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New York debates new luxury vibe: uptown or downtown?
November 21, 2018 By

What is behind all the empty storefronts in New York?

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How retailers should hook millennial shoppers on Black Friday
November 21, 2018 By

It is not hard to see why some younger consumers are avoiding Black Friday.

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Deloitte: Being undisruptable means connecting. But how?
November 20, 2018 By

Continuing to craft fine luxury products while simultaneously answering to the incursion of luxury-for-rent, luxury online, techno-luxury, or a No Brand movement that seeks to wipe traditional companies off the map, is no easy feat.

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