Luxury Daily
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Sophie Theallet suit: Legal enforcement in the age of social media marketing
March 31, 2020 By

A recent lawsuit, filed in Texas and then transferred to New York, pits luxury fashion designer Sophie Theallet against Swedish discount retailer H&M.

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20 tips for luxury brands to remain relevant during the COVID-19 lockdown
March 31, 2020 By

What can a brand do to remain relevant during these testing times? How does it maintain mind share to be able to bounce back once this is all behind us?

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New US SHOP SAFE bill holds online platforms liable for counterfeits. Next steps luxury brands must take
March 27, 2020 By

U.S. law has made it very difficult to hold online platforms liable for sales of counterfeits.

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3 likely shifts in consumer behavior after COVID-19
March 25, 2020 By

The Great Depression impelled a “waste not, want not” attitude that dictated consumption patterns for years.

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8 tips from CMOs to keep your business healthy in this challenging time
March 24, 2020 By

Forty-five chief marketing officers pool their wisdom to help marketers adapt to a virtual business environment and keep their brands running.

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Press ahead with digital transformation as pandemic births connected customer
March 24, 2020 By

All businesses need to immediately invest in quick digital wins and leverage this situation to learn quickly versus pull back and wait.

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How to inoculate your business against an economic slowdown with high-leverage marketing
March 20, 2020 By

As the COVID-19 virus spreads and causes economic disruptions and unintended consequences in almost every industry, what marketing programs could you implement with little investment, short time-to-market, and an ability to generate additional revenue?

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Postcard from the edge: An uneasy truce in Hong Kong
March 18, 2020 By

The city’s economy continues to decline, and people — expats, young native Hong Kong professionals, Chinese nationals — are leaving.

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Learning from others: Launching a mobile app successfully
March 13, 2020 By

Marketing a new app can be a daunting task. There are the obvious channels such as mobile banners and pay-per-install social ads, but the costs can be prohibitive.

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5 tips to help you have the “money talk” with your partner
March 12, 2020 By

Discussing debt, spending habits, income – in essence, all things money-related – will go a long way toward preventing problems and arguments and unpleasant surprises in the future.

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Coronavirus is a headwind for search advertising, but the outlook remains promising
March 11, 2020 By

Unease over the virus has the potential to impact purchasing behavior to varying degrees.

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After coronavirus, what is next for travel and tourism?
March 11, 2020 By

Clearly, the next six months will be unlike anything we have seen since 9/11 or the financial crisis of 2008-09.

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Cyclicality, coronavirus and luxury consumers
March 10, 2020 By

Does the luxury business follow a business cycle, or is it immune to the twists and turns of the global economy?

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Coronavirus management: Are retailers taking the correct steps?
March 6, 2020 By

With financial markets still in flux and the fourth quarter producing only moderate success at best for many retailers, the retail industry is trying to come to terms with the ways to both provide consumers with a safe shopping experience and achieve their key performance indicators.

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Nike suit showcases new world of counterfeiting and responsive strategies
March 3, 2020 By

Nothing in the business world stands still, and that includes the business of counterfeiting. Luxury goods and fashion companies must continuously evolve their anti-counterfeiting strategies to keep up.

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Shift in customer service can help beauty brands tackle scrum
February 25, 2020 By

As the beauty industry becomes more inclusive and expansive, upscale beauty brands are using the way they handle customer relationships and interactions as a top differentiator.

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How marketers can prepare for Google ending third-party cookies on its Chrome browser
February 21, 2020 By

Whether or not industry practitioners agree with Google’s plan for cookie blocking, this is the inevitable future of marketing.

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3 ways to use predictive analytics at your company
February 20, 2020 By

Marketers primed for growth in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace are using predictive analytics to gain a deep understanding of the customer base to maximize revenue, efficacy of marketing budgets and, of course, profits.

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Can Amazon succeed in luxury?
February 19, 2020 By

Amazon has been clandestinely operating a luxury retail site called VRSNL since September.

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9 tips to maximize sales of gifts and souvenirs from retail stores
February 18, 2020 By

Drawing the attention of potential customers is a far cry from holding it long enough to make a sale.

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Fashion forward: How and why machine must meet couture
February 14, 2020 By

Fashion is a high-risk business. For luxury retailers, as well as high street players who take their lead from the runway shows, financial success means getting a handle on which designers, collections, trends and “it” pieces will sell best.

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