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11 ways to gain the trust of prospects and customers
August 31, 2020 By

As a sales manager, one of your jobs is to impress upon reps the importance of building trust. They have to earn it with every call, email and action. It is their job to turn a good first impression into a strong sense of trust.

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What trademark owners can learn from the Tiffany legal reversal against Costco
August 20, 2020 By

In 2015 U.S. jeweler Tiffany & Co. obtained a judgment of more than $21 million against price-club retailer Costco from a New York federal court for selling unbranded diamond engagement rings identified by point-of-sale signs containing the word “Tiffany.”

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5 cultural shifts in New Era of Connection
August 19, 2020 By

The way forward for luxury brands in this new and different era will be determined by five key cultural shifts.

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Embrace change so that your business may survive
August 18, 2020 By

If your business is on the verge of collapsing, accepting that it needs to evolve may just breathe new life to it.

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Influencer brand tribes hold promise post-COVID-19
August 17, 2020 By

As marketers re-evaluate post-pandemic marketing, forming an influencer “brand tribe” has proven to deliver dramatic results in driving shopper marketing, passionate advocacy and increased organic reach.

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New era of broadcast selling for retailers: Third place in-store
August 14, 2020 By

Luxury and specialty goods stores will need to become both a showroom and a sample space where both experiences are more curated for each individual.

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China’s lower-tier cities: New battlefield for reaching affluent and HNW consumers
August 13, 2020 By

Consumers in lower-tier Chinese cities typically are entrepreneurs who have grown local businesses, made successful stock or property investments, and – this is the reality – are participants in the “grey” economy.

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AI: Standing out in a sea of buzzwords
August 13, 2020 By

Through artificial intelligence, we can create machines that perform tasks much faster than humans and, at some point – when they have learned human behavior – can replace humans completely.

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How consumer spending fared so far through 2020
August 12, 2020 By

Personal consumption makes up over two-thirds of U.S. GDP and it dropped even more precipitously, down 34.6 percent on an annualized basis. This quarter marks the economy’s worse since the government started calculating GDP over 70-odd years ago.

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Armani right-sizes for new era
August 11, 2020 By

There is no question that all major luxury brands have experienced sales and profits declines in the past few months of the public health crisis.

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Luxury ecommerce spending patterns are different now. Is your online store ready to handle the changes?
August 7, 2020 By

Luxury is one of a handful of categories in which online sales were lower at the end of May than they were in mid-March.

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How to accelerate your business post-pandemic
August 6, 2020 By

It is unlikely there is a CEO in America unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic and all are probably sick and tired of reading introductions like, “We’re all in this together,” or “In light of these trying times.” Yeah, everyone agrees.

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The new rules of driving aspiration for luxury brands
August 5, 2020 By

“What you say is not as important as the bookcase behind you,” is a tagline of a Twitter account titled Bookcase Credibility. Bookcase Credibility was launched in April 2020 and has since amassed more than 105,000 followers.

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A reckoning is coming for retail: Get ready
August 5, 2020 By

The price for retailers over-building, overextending and overestimating their importance in the lives of customers has now come due after the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Why you should not put partnership marketing on hold
August 4, 2020 By

What does partnership marketing look like in this new normal and how do we go about negotiating partnerships when we cannot even shake hands?

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Luxury brands must think like gladiators to woo China’s youngest consumers
August 3, 2020 By

Mainland China is the biggest hope for luxury in the coming years. Its innovators are already spooking Silicon Valley.

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What are Hong Kong’s hurdles and opportunities for luxury brands?
July 31, 2020 By

Hong Kong, this bustling metropolis, is now in a transition period, facing both challenges and opportunities that will redesign the future of the city in the years to come.

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Has the lockdown forever changed the art, vintage and antiques industry?
July 30, 2020 By

In 2019, close to 2 billion people purchased items online — but most of the sellers of art, vintage and antiques lost out. Why? Because the vast majority of the art and antiques industry is not online.

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Trademark bidding is the kissing cousin of counterfeiting
July 29, 2020 By

We have heard several feel-good stories and attempts by Amazon to enter the luxury market. But it is doubtful that, without real change, Amazon will earn the trust it needs from luxury brands.

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Winning back the luxury consumer
July 20, 2020 By

More than half of customers actively try to touch as few items as possible when shopping and try to avoid interacting with employees whenever possible – a troubling trend for the luxury sector, where touch and feel are everything and personal relationships are critical.

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The Virgilization of Virgil Abloh
July 17, 2020 By

How art-ification became a lucrative corporate strategy.

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