When it comes to luxury jewelry, the beauty of collecting never fades.
Luxury jewelry online marketplace Jedora serves as a one-stop shop for consumers looking for established brands, up-and-coming vendors and timepieces. With every purchase, Jedora aims to foster a love for jewelry, for those just beginning their collections or those intuiting their next piece.
"Jewelry has been a part of cultures across the globe for centuries, and we can be confident that its prevalence in society will not go away over time," said Kim Kanary, senior vice president of marketing and brand management of Jedora, Knoxville, Tennessee. "Beautiful treasures from the earth have inherent value, but luxury jewelry can often be a category of its own."
In this Q&A Ms. Kanary discusses disparate jewelry trends currently permeating the space, how to foster a collection and what makes Jedora unique. Here is the dialogue:
Kim Kanary is the senior vice president of marketing and brand management of Jedora. Image courtesy of Jedora
Why do you believe luxury jewelry is a good category to invest in?
It’s important to caveat that luxury jewelry can mean different things to different people; what is luxury to one person may not be to another. That’s why Jedora prides itself on offering a range of options so each individual can find that beautiful and meaningful piece that’s perfect for them.
That said, in general, luxury jewelry tends to be well made with high-quality materials, which with good care, can last for generations. When considering gemstones, luxury tends to mean rarer, more exotic gems that are the highest of quality in their category.
This includes gems like ruby, sapphire, emerald, diamond, alexandrite and black opal. Gemstones are a non-renewable resource, so from an investment standpoint, they are going to be an increasingly more sacred commodity.
For example, the world’s main source of pink diamonds was the argyle mine in Australia, which recently closed, meaning the demand and value for pink diamonds will only increase over time. Similarly, luxury gems from various localities such as Myanmar and Afghanistan have become increasingly difficult to source, meaning their rarity increases and availability decreases, resulting in potentially higher investment value.
In addition to the investment value, fine jewelry also carries emotional value. If you ask people about their jewelry, the majority will have very specific and meaningful stories behind their most treasured jewelry pieces.
When you purchase beautiful and beloved jewelry, it’s likely that you’ll enjoy it for many, many years to come. Additionally, luxury jewelry is often one of the main articles of value passed on between generations, so it may become an heirloom with lasting emotional and meaningful value.
How can consumers best grow their luxury jewelry collections?
When growing your luxury jewelry collection, it’s important to consider what elements you want to be true of your collection. For example, you can collect by gem variety, gem color, carat weight, jewelry designer, gem locality, and more – the possibilities are endless when it comes to expanding your collection.
Ensure you receive as much information as possible about your jewelry piece so that you are familiar with what exactly is in your collection, e.g., designer, when the piece was made, where the gems are from, whether the gems are treated, etc. Many high-quality items have accompanying appraisals done by third parties, which can be extremely helpful in determining the value you are receiving.
What are some current trends you see permeating the luxury jewelry industry right now?
Certainly, finding a one-of-a-kind piece or unique item that’s handcrafted or specially made can be very appealing. Customization and personalization are also increasingly important to consumers because they want to know that their pieces carry that extra little meaning.
Art Deco and vintage styles have been making a resurgence in the past few years, particularly with the popularity of shows like “The Crown.” Big and bold continues to be popular.
Designers are also starting to use relatively inexpensive materials such as quartz in their pieces. These materials will be either a large carat weight, cut by a famous designer or have interesting inclusions, which help launch these pieces from every day to a luxury category.
What do you think your shoppers are looking for most?
Shoppers want something that is memorable and meaningful. This could be anything from the perfect everyday diamond studs as a gift to self, or a handcrafted pendant gifted for a special occasion.
Jedora brings together jewels for every need. Image credit: Jedora
They want trust – to have confidence in what they are buying no matter the value. They want the ease of purchasing all in one place while knowing they have a vast range of options that will help them express their unique individual style.
They want to be able to reach an expert who can help according to their schedule, they want to have flexible payment and protection options to ensure they can feel confident in their purchase. That’s why Jedora has implemented a 5-star promise – we want to take the worry out of buying jewelry, watches and loose gemstones.
As such, we offer 24/7 live customer support so consumers can get their questions answered or consult with an expert whenever it’s convenient for them – not just during business hours. The Jedora marketplace enables consumers to buy direct from pre-qualified sellers – brands and designers are featured on the platform by invitation only, so industry experts with decades of expertise do the homework, ensuring customers get the quality and caliber they want and deserve.
Jedora also offers free insured shipping and returns as well as flexible payment and protection plans.
What sets Jedora apart from other retailers?
Jedora is a true marketplace where consumers can shop a multitude of brands, designers, and styles to find the perfect item to complement their style, look and occasion or for that meaningful gift. Jedora is a one-stop destination where consumers can find a wide assortment of styles and price points.
Many retailers have a variety of styles, but Jedora is the only marketplace that is solely focused on jewelry, gemstones and watches with decades of expertise at its core. Jedora has many staff gemologists and jewelry experts who are able to provide the information consumers need to make these informed purchases.
We partner with best-in-class and emerging brands, a direct result of our established relationships throughout the globe that allow us to continually onboard new and exciting brands consumers with love.
Backed by a company with over 25 years of direct-to-consumer experience, Jedora leverages established operations including a state-of-the-art distribution center in the United States, extensive technological infrastructure, a well-established supply chain across the world, payment options and meaningful support services.