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Fashion shows prove less important to affluent millennials: Shullman

December 6, 2016

Affluent millennials Affluent millennials


Millionaires from the X generation hold onto traditional luxury events while millionaire millennials are straying away from happenings such as fashion shows and auto races, according to a new report from Shullman Research Center.

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1 thought on “Fashion shows prove less important to affluent millennials: Shullman”

  1. JMB says:

    Fashion shows are not a consumer event, so this would be irrelevant. They’re an event for buyers and media to see collections.

    Traditionally most consumers have never paid attention to fashion shows outside of what might be in fashion magazines. Millennials very much take cues from media and brands on how to act, dress, think, and behave. If anything, they’re far more unique in this way than any other demographic.