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Luxury Unfiltered: Lorenzo Quinn’s ‘Anime di Venezia,’ a new benchmark in luxury

Daniel Langer is the founder and CEO of consulting firm Équité


By Daniel Langer

Recently, I had the pleasure to be introduced to Lorenzo Quinn, the son of the actor Anthony Quinn, and his wife Iolanda.

I was immediately captivated with his vision to create “homages to humanity and human values,” because to me, luxury is extreme value creation. When done right, extreme value creation means to put the human at the center.

And this is where art and luxury intersect. Mr. Quinn told me that he creates “pieces that create good vibes and that fight hate with love, bringing people together.”

Another statement that stood out for me: “Social media ruined many people. They forget to live the real moment. They try to show off to other people instead of living in the real moment.

“My sculptures have to do with that,” Mr. Quinn said. “They show emotions and moments. They aim to remind people to be happy. Therefore, they are a great investment. Because the best investment is when art makes you happy.”

There could not be a better description of extreme value creation, the true meaning of luxury.

Seeing soul
In the heart of Venice, a city which I visit often and where every corner reflects history and artistry, Lorenzo Quinn’s latest masterpiece, “Anime di Venezia (Souls of Venice),” stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of La Serenissima.

This installation, running to September 15, 2024, coincides with the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo’s death and the 60th Art Biennale, encapsulating the symbiotic relationship between Venice and its artistic legacy.

Comprised of 15 statues made from a metallic mesh weave of thousands of links, Mr. Quinn’s work brings to life some of the most significant souls who have shaped the Venetian Republic.

Located in the atrium of Ca’ Rezzonico, a grand building overlooking the Grand Canal, this marks a monumental artistic achievement, cementing symbolically the union between the city and its storied past as a capital of luxury.

Mr. Quinn’s innovative use of augmented reality allows these historical figures to speak through visitors’ smartphones, offering a poetic and magical vision that transcends time. Each statue, when scanned, transforms and utters phrases that highlight the person’s unique contributions to Venice.

This blend of physical art and digital technology breathes new life into the historical narrative, making it accessible and engaging for contemporary audiences.

Lorenzo Quinn's sculptures are on view now in Venice. Image credit: Daniel Langer

Art of branding
Luxury brands have much to learn from Mr. Quinn’s approach.

At its core, luxury is about creating experiences that resonate on a deeper, emotional level. Mr. Quinn’s installation exemplifies this by merging traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology, creating a multi-sensory experience that is both timeless and innovative.

Mr. Quinn’s work also underscores the importance of authenticity in luxury. Each statue represents a significant figure from Venice’s rich history, reminding us that true luxury is rooted in the art of storytelling.

Where many of today’s brands are part of “the sea of sameness,” Mr. Quinn takes storytelling into the 21st century.

The use of augmented reality in “Anime di Venezia” illustrates how technology can enhance experiences without detracting from its essence. By integrating digital elements, Mr. Quinn adds a layer of interactivity and modernity to his work.

Luxury brands can use this as an example to blend technological advancements with their brand story to create never-seen-before experiences that captivate and inspire their audiences.

Furthermore, Mr. Quinn’s installation is highly personalized. Visitors interact with the statues in a way that feels intimate and unique.

Luxury brands can learn from this by focusing on personalization and creating tailored experiences that make each customer feel special and valued. The key is to foster a deep connection with the consumer.

Lorenzo Quinn’s “Anime di Venezia” goes far beyond an art installation. It is a visionary blend of past, present and future that sets a benchmark for the luxury industry.

As his statues bridge the gap between history and modernity, so too can luxury brands bridge the gap between tradition and innovation. This is the future of luxury – a future where every brand tells a unique story that captivates the hearts of their clients.

Or, as Mr. Quinn told me, “Why do what others did before?” Luxury brands, pay attention.

Luxury Unfiltered is a weekly column by Daniel Langer. He is the CEO of Équité, a global luxury strategy and brand activation firm. He is recognized as a global top-five luxury key opinion leader. He serves as an executive professor of luxury strategy and pricing at Pepperdine University in Malibu and as a professor of luxury at New York University, New York. Mr. Langer has authored bestselling books on luxury management in English and Chinese, and is a respected global keynote speaker.

Mr. Langer conducts masterclass management training on various luxury topics around the world. As a luxury expert featured on Bloomberg TV, Financial Times, The New York Times, Forbes, The Economist and others, Mr. Langer holds an MBA and a Ph.D. in luxury management, and has received education from Harvard Business School. Follow him on LinkedIn and Instagram.